ANNEX IVActivity-specific monitoring methodologies related to installations (Article 20(2))

16.Determination of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from nitric acid, adipic acid, caprolactam, glyoxal and glyoxylic acid production as listed in Annex I to Directive 2003/87/EC

B.Determination of N2O emissions

B.1.Annual N2O emissions

The operator shall monitor emissions of N2O from nitric acid production using continuous emissions measurement. The operator shall monitor emissions of N2O from adipic acid, caprolactam, glyoxal and glyoxylic acid production using a measurement-based methodology for abated emissions and a calculation-based method (based on a mass balance methodology) for temporary occurrences of unabated emissions.

For each emission source where continuous emissions measurement is applied, the operator shall consider the total annual emissions to be the sum of all hourly emissions using the following formula:

N2O emissionsannual [t] = Σ [N2O conchourly [mg/Nm3] * flue gas flowhourly [Nm3/h]] * 10–9


N2O emissionsannual

total annual emissions of N2O from the emission source in tonnes N2O

N2O conchourly

hourly concentrations of N2O in mg/Nm3 in the flue gas flow measured during operation

Flue gas flow

flue gas flow determined in Nm3/h for each hourly concentration