ANNEX VIIIMeasurement-based methodologies (Article 41)

3.Determination of GHGs using measurement-based methodologies

Equation 1:Calculation of Annual Emissions

GHGtot annt=i=1operating hours p.a.GHG conc hourly i * flue gas flowi * 10 6tgmath


GHG conchourly

hourly concentrations of emissions in g/Nm3 in the flue gas flow measured during operation;

Flue gas flow

flue gas flow in Nm3 for each hour.

Equation 2:Determination of average hourly concentrations

GHG emissions av hourlykgh= GHG concentration hourlygNm3 * flue gas flowNm3 hHours of operation* 1000math


GHG emissionsav hourly

annual average hourly emissions in kg/h from the source;

GHG conchourly

hourly concentrations of emissions in g/Nm3 in the flue gas flow measured during operation;

Flue gas flow

flue gas flow in Nm3 for each hour.