The Road Traffic and Vehicles and Waterways (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2019


(This note is not part of the Regulations)

Article 8(1) of the Departments (Transfer of Functions) Order (Northern Ireland) 2016 (“the 2016 Order”), transferred departmental functions between Departments, including from the Department of the Environment (DoE) to the Department for Infrastructure (DfI), the Department for Communities and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs. DoE was subsequently dissolved by the Departments Act (Northern Ireland) 2016.

However the 2016 Order did not specifically address subordinate legislation made under section 2(2) of the European Communities Act 1972. Accordingly, and for transparency, these Regulations are intended to clarify that statutory responsibility for the Statutory Rules hereby amended rests with DfI.

An Explanatory Memorandum has been produced and is available online alongside this Statutory Rule at