Search Legislation

Advanced Search - Legislation as it stood at a specific point in time (for revised legislation only)

Search Form

(or keywords in the title)
 Help about Title searching
 Help about Specific Year searching
 Help about Number and Series searching
 Help about Legislation Type searching
 Help about Point In Time searching


Enter a full title or part of a title to find results based on title. The search will show results that match on any part of the title. For example ‘Data’ will match ‘Data Protection Act’ and ‘The Data Retention Regulations’. To exclude a term, use the minus operator before the term you wish to exclude. For example searching ‘Data -protection’ would return ‘The Data Retention Regulations’ but not the ‘Data Protection Act’. Use double quotes for an exact match on a phrase e.g “Data Protection” would return ‘The Data Protection Act’ but not ‘The Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Data Handling) Regulations’. Alternatively, leave blank if you do not wish to specify a title match.


Language of legislation text

This will focus your search in either English or Welsh language text of legislation.

Searching the Welsh language text of Welsh legislation may produce more appropriate results if you are using a Welsh language search term.



Enter the year of the legislation you would like to view. This is the year it was enacted/made.



Use this field to specify the number of the legislation if you know it. This field is not mandatory. Please note that a point in time or geographic extent search is only possible on the legislation that we revise (primary legislation). For example, an SI number will not be a valid search.



Use the drop down to specify the type of legislation for the search. Please note that point in time and geographic extent search is only possible on legislation that we revise so only primary legislation types are listed.


Point in time

Use this field to select a date and see how your specified legislation stood at a particular point in time. Only dates after the basedate (01/02/1991) are valid we do not have versions that precede this date in the data. For Northern Ireland legislation the basedate is 01/01/ 2006.