Explanatory Notes

Armed Forces Act 2006

2006 CHAPTER 52

8 November 2006


First Group of Parts – Discipline

Part 8 – Sentencing Powers and Mandatory Etc Sentences
Chapter 4 – Imprisonment for Term of Under 12 Months
Suspended sentences of imprisonment
Section 203: Review of order with community requirements

420.Section 191 of the 2003 Act enables a suspended sentence order to provide for the order to be periodically reviewed by a court. Subsection (1) of this section modifies section 191 so that, where a service court makes a suspended sentence order which includes community requirements and provides for periodic review, the court required to review the order is the Crown Court.

421.Section 210 of the 2003 Act enables, and in some cases requires, a suspended sentence order imposing a drug rehabilitation requirement to provide for that requirement to be periodically reviewed by a court. Subsection (2) modifies section 210 so that, where a service court makes a suspended sentence order which includes a drug rehabilitation requirement and provides for its periodic review, the court required to review it is the Crown Court.

422.Section 211 of the 2003 Act provides for the powers of a court reviewing a drug rehabilitation requirement imposed under a suspended sentence order. In certain circumstances the court can re-sentence the offender for the original offence. Subsection (3) modifies section 211 of the 2003 Act so that the Crown Court can exercise its ordinary sentencing powers rather than those of the service court that made the order. Subsection (4) enables an offender re-sentenced by the Crown Court to appeal to the civilian Court of Appeal.