Crossrail Act 2008

In the London Boroughs of Greenwich and Bexley–

  • Work No. 1/33A– A railway (3,862 metres in length) being a realignment of the North Kent Line (eastbound line), commencing by a junction with that railway at a point 133 metres west of the junction of Plumstead High Street with Griffin Road, passing eastwards and terminating by a junction with that railway at a point 132 metres north-west of the junction of Abbey Road with Shortlands Close;

  • Work No. 1/33B– A railway (3,802 metres in length) being a realignment of the North Kent Line (westbound line), commencing by a junction with that railway at a point 78 metres west of the junction of Plumstead High Street with Griffin Road, passing eastwards and terminating by a junction with that railway at a point 128 metres north-west of the junction of Abbey Road with Shortlands Close;