Local Transport Act 2008 Explanatory Notes

Section 45: Power to make traffic regulation orders

132.This section inserts a new subsection (3B) into section 1 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. Subsection (3A) of that section enables a local traffic authority in England and Wales to make a traffic regulation order (under that section) in respect of a road for which the Secretary of State is, or the Welsh Ministers are, the traffic authority, with their consent, if that order is required to provide facilities under a quality partnership scheme. The effect of the amendment is to extend this power to traffic regulation orders providing facilities pursuant to a quality contracts scheme.

  • *A traffic regulation order is an order made by a traffic authority to regulate use of a road. It may be made to avoid danger to road users, to prevent damage to the road, to prevent or facilitate the use of the road by certain classes of road user, to preserve amenities, or for environmental reasons.

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