Equality Act 2010 Explanatory Notes

Sex, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity: paragraph 22

716.Paragraph 22 provides exceptions to allow insurers to calculate different premiums and benefits for men and women, relating to pregnancy and maternity or gender reassignment on the basis of actuarial data.

717.Sub-paragraph (1) provides an exception for an annuity, life assurance policy, accident insurance policy or similar matter which involves the assessment of risk. Under this exception, the difference in treatment must be done by reference to actuarial or other reliable data, and must be reasonable in all the circumstances. Sub-paragraph (2) applies to a contract of insurance, or for related financial services, entered into before 6 April 2008. In such a case, the exception only applies in relation to differences in premiums and benefits applicable to a person under that contract.

718.Sub-paragraph (3) applies sub-paragraph (1) to contracts of insurance, or for related financial services, entered into on or after 6 April 2008. It permits differences in treatment which are proportionate having regard to relevant and accurate data, which the insurance industry has compiled, published and updated in accordance with Treasury guidance. For contracts entered into on or after 22 December 2008, the differences must not result from costs related to a woman’s pregnancy or her having given birth within the previous 26 weeks.

719.Insurers must calculate premiums and benefits based on the sex of the person seeking such services (sub-paragraph (5)).


720.This paragraph is designed to replicate the effect of section 45 of the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 in respect of insurance and financial services. Services relating to premises or education are dealt with under Parts 4 and 6 of the Act.

  • An insurer can lawfully quote higher motor insurance premiums for young men if this is based on actuarial and statistical up-to-date data that is published so that customers can see the information that justifies proportionate differences in male and female premiums and benefits.

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