Health and Social Care Act 2012 Explanatory Notes

Section 105 - Discretionary requirements

820.‘Discretionary requirements’ are obligations which Monitor may place upon a provider of NHS services if it breached a licence condition, or failed to hold a licence when it is required to; or on any person who failed to provide Monitor with information under the previous section. Discretionary requirements are intended to act as an incentive to comply and a means of rectifying any problems.

821.Subsection (2) outlines the types of discretionary requirements that Monitor may impose. They are:

  • a monetary penalty of such amount as Monitor may determine, up to 10% of turnover of the person in England (‘variable monetary penalty’);

  • action to cease the breach in question, or make sure it did not continue or happen again (‘compliance requirement’). An example of this might be a requirement that a provider cease plans to dispose of an asset that was needed for the provision of a service, the continuity of which was required, or to take action to mitigate financial risk (in breach of a condition relating to financial viability) that would threaten the continuity of such services;

  • action to restore the position to what it was before the breach occurred (‘restoration requirement’). For example, Monitor could require that a provider re-open a service that it had closed in breach of a licence condition.

822.The Secretary of State is given power by regulations to prescribe how turnover would be calculated for the purposes of the 10% limit on variable monetary penalties (subsection (4)).

823.Subsection (3) provides that Monitor must not impose discretionary requirements on a provider on more than one occasion in relation to the same breach, but Monitor may, however, take action to enforce the discretionary requirements it has imposed on a provider to remedy such a breach.

824.Subsection (5) provides that a penalty imposed under this section that is not paid in full accrues interest, but the total amount of interest charged may not exceed the amount of the penalty itself.

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