Explanatory Notes

Health and Social Care Act 2012

2012 CHAPTER 7

27 March 2012

Commentary on Sections

Part 3 - Regulation of Health and Adult Social Care Services

Chapter 4 – Pricing
Section 117 – The national tariff: further provision

875.This section provides that the specification of a health care service in the national tariff or as determined by local price setting rules can take any form, including describing a service:

876.Subsection (2) provides that where the service is specified in the national tariff by reference to its components, the tariff must specify the prices payable for each component. If two or more services are bundled, the tariff must determine the prices payable for the bundle as a whole. Where services are grouped, the tariff would determine the single price for the provision of any service listed in the group (in other words, the same price would apply to each service listed).

877.Subsection (3) provides that where a service is specified under local price setting rules, the national tariff may include rules to determine the price for each component or bundle, or the price that would apply to each service specified within a defined group of services.

878.Subsection (4) provides for Monitor to direct a commissioner to reverse actions taken where the commissioner agrees to pay a price other than the price payable under the national tariff. Under subsection (5) Monitor may direct the commissioner to take steps to prevent recurrence of a failure to comply with rules in the national tariff (for varying a service specification or price, for local price setting, as to payments, or for determining which specification should apply where a service is specified in different ways), or to restore the position to what it would have been had the failure not occurred.