Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013 Explanatory Notes

Section 41: Extension of powers to issue warrants to the Competition Appeal Tribunal and Schedule 13: Extension of powers to issue warrants under the Competition Act 1998 to the Competition Appeal Tribunal

332.This section introduces Schedule 13, which amends the CA 1998 in various places to extend to the CAT various powers to issue warrants to enter premises. The powers in question are those under sections 28, 28A, 62, 62A, 63, 65G and 65H of the CA 1998. The effect is to allow the CAT (as well as the High Court or the Court of Session) to issue warrants allowing an investigation officer to enter premises as part of an investigation. The amendments maintain the requirement for applications for a warrant to be made in accordance with rules of court if they are made to a court, and specify that applications to the CAT must be made in accordance with the equivalent CAT rules (made under section 15 of the EA 2002). Similar provision to this section, enabling the CAT to issue warrants to enter premises when investigating suspected infringements of the cartel offence under section 188 of the EA 2002 is made by section 48.

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