Explanatory Notes

Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013

2013 CHAPTER 30

17 July 2013

Commentary on Sections and Schedules

Part 5 of the Marriage Act 1949

Other provisions relating to marriages of same sex couples

Section 10 – Extra-territorial matters

59.Section 10 provides that existing or new marriages of same sex couples that take place outside England and Wales can be recognised as marriages under the law of England and Wales. It is irrelevant whether the law of the place of marriage provides for marriage of same sex couples before or after this provision comes into force. Section 10 also gives effect to Schedule 2, which contains more detailed provisions (see below). Overseas marriages of opposite sex couples which are valid as to capacity and form according to the relevant law are recognised under the law of England and Wales. New and existing overseas marriages of same sex couples which are valid as to capacity and form according to the relevant law will be recognised under the law of England and Wales from the date of implementation of the Act.