Explanatory Notes

Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014

2014 CHAPTER 12

13 March 2014

Commentary on Sections

Part 12: Extradition

Section 163: Consent to extradition not to be taken as a waiver of speciality rights

481.This section repeals sections 45(3) and 128(5) of the 2003 Act.

482.The effect of these repeals will be to ensure that when a person consents to his or her extradition, he or she does not thereby lose the benefit of any speciality protection he or she would otherwise have. Speciality protection ensures a person is, in general, only proceeded against for the offence or offences listed in the extradition request. At present, sections 45(3) (for Part 1 cases) and 128(5) (for Part 2 cases) provide that a person waives speciality protection when he or she consents to extradition. Removing this waiver will enable those who wish to be extradited speedily to be surrendered quickly without risking being tried for any other alleged offences. It is anticipated that this will increase the number of people who consent to extradition at their initial hearing, reducing the costs associated with onward legal challenge.