Explanatory Notes

Children and Families Act 2014

2014 CHAPTER 6

13 March 2014

Territorial Extent and Application


Part 3: Children and young people in England with special educational needs or disabilities

45.Part 3 of the Act (sections 19 to 83) makes provision that reforms the special educational needs system. These provisions extend to England and Wales, but the majority only apply in England. Schedule 3 makes consequential amendments to existing provisions so that they apply to Wales only. There will be some cross border effects, where a child or young person in England attends a school or institution in Wales, and the amendment made by section 60 applies in Wales. The amendment does not change the effect of the amended provision as it applies in Wales. Section 70 provides the Secretary of State with a power to make regulations to apply provisions in relation to those in custody, with or without modification. The Secretary of State is required to consult the Welsh Ministers before making any such regulations where they apply to a person who is detained in Wales.