(This note is not part of the Regulations)

Section 37 of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 imposes a duty on taxi drivers to carry, without additional charge a guide dog, hearing dog and other prescribed category of dog when it accompanies the hirer. It also provides that a taxi driver may be exempted from this obligation on medical grounds. (The dates on which these provisions come into force for England and Wales are prescribed by S.I.2000/2989 (C.91) made at the same time as these Regulations.)

These Regulations, which apply to taxis licensed in England and Wales, prescribe the form of the exemption notice which must be displayed by an exempted driver and the manner of its display in the taxi.

The Regulations also prescribe as an additional category of dog to which section 37 applies certain dogs helping people with epilepsy or certain general physical disabilities.

The provisions prescribing the form of exemption notices come into force on 1st December 2000. For all other purposes the Regulations come into force on 31st March 2001.

A regulatory impact assessment has been prepared and copies can be obtained from the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, Zone 1/18 Great Minster House, 76 Marsham Street, London SW1 4DR (telephone 020 7944 6100). A copy has been placed in the library of each House of Parliament.