SCHEDULE 5Local Authorities (Conduct of Referendums) (Council Tax Increases) (England) Regulations 2012 forms

PART 1Local Government Finance Act referendums: standalone poll

Postal voting statement

Front of form

Postal voting statement - p1

Rear of form

Postal voting statement - p2

Official postal poll card (to be sent to a voter voting by post)

Front of card

Official postal poll card (to be sent to a voter voting by post) - p1

Rear of form

Official postal poll card (to be sent to a voter voting by post) - p2

Official proxy postal poll card (to be sent to an appointed proxy voting by post)

Front of form

Official proxy postal poll card (to be sent to an appointed proxy voting by post) - p1

Rear of card

Official proxy postal poll card (to be sent to an appointed proxy voting by post) - p2