Gorchymyn Corff Adnoddau Naturiol Cymru (Swyddogaethau) 2013

Rheoliadau Iechyd Planhigion (Ffïoedd) (Coedwigaeth) 2006

261.  Yn lle rheoliad 3(1) rhodder—

(1) Fees are payable—

(a)to the Forestry Commissioners, where an action is carried out by—

(i)the Forestry Commissioners; or

(ii)an inspector in circumstances where the relevant function of the inspector is exercisable by an inspector authorised by the Forestry Commissioners;

(b)to the Welsh Ministers, where an action is carried out by—

(i)the Welsh Ministers; or

(ii)an inspector in circumstances where the relevant function of the inspector is exercisable by an inspector authorised by the Welsh Ministers.