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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1950-1959 has returned more than 200 results.

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    Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
    The Schools Regulations, 19591959 No. 364UK Statutory Instruments
    The National Insurance (European Interim Agreement) Order, 19591959 No. 293UK Statutory Instruments
    The Family Allowances, National Insurance and Industrial Injuries (European Interim Agreement) Order, 19591959 No. 292UK Statutory Instruments
    The Milk and Dairies (General) Regulations, 19591959 No. 277UK Statutory Instruments
    The Superannuation (Polish Education Committee and Civil Services) Transfer Rules,19591959 No. 191UK Statutory Instruments
    The public Record Office (Fees) Order,19591959 No. 181UK Statutory Instruments
    The Agriculture (Miscellaneous Time-Limits) Regulations 19591959 No. 171UK Statutory Instruments
    The Copyright Act, 1956 (Transitional Extension) Order 19591959 No. 103UK Statutory Instruments
    The Reserve and Auxiliary Forces (Agricultural Tenants) Regulations 19591959 No. 84UK Statutory Instruments
    The Agriculture Act, 1958 (Appointed Day) (England and Wales) Order, 19591959 No. 80UK Statutory Instruments
    The Airways Corporations (General Staff, Pilots and Officers Pensions) (Amendment) Regulations,19591959 No. 42UK Statutory Instruments
    The Magistrates' Courts (Maintenance Orders Act, 1958) Rules 19591959 No. 3 (L. 1)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Land Powers (Defence) Act (Inquiries) Rules 19581958 No. 2231UK Statutory Instruments
    The Pensions Commutation Payment Regulations 19581958 No. 2195UK Statutory Instruments
    The Slaughter of Animals (Prevention of Cruelty) Regulations 19581958 No. 2166UK Statutory Instruments
    The Coast Protection (Variation of Excluded Waters) Regulations 19581958 No. 2146UK Statutory Instruments
    The Superannuation (English Local Government and Northern Ireland) Interchange (Amendment) Rules 19581958 No. 2136UK Statutory Instruments
    The British Wool Marketing Scheme (Directions) Order 19581958 No. 2126UK Statutory Instruments
    The British Wool Marketing Scheme (Amendment) Order 19581958 No. 2125UK Statutory Instruments
    The National Insurance (New Entrants Transitional) Amendment (No. 2) Regulations 19581958 No. 2124UK Statutory Instruments

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