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Your search for English language legislation from 1700-1709 has returned 20 results.

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Landlord and Tenant Act 17091709 c. 18Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Treason Act 17081708 c. 21Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Parochial Libraries Act 1708 (repealed)1708 c. 14Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
The Cestui Que Vie Act 17071707 c. 72Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Exchequer Court (Scotland) Act 17071707 c. 53Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Succession to the Crown Act 17071707 c. 41Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Union with Scotland (Amendment ) Act 17071707 c. 40Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Election Act 1707(repealed)1707 c. 8Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Union with England Act 17071707 c. 7Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Protestant Religion and Presbyterian Church Act 17071707 c. 6Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Union with Scotland Act 17061706 c. 11Acts of the English Parliament
The Act of 6 Anne 17061706 c. 8Acts of the English Parliament
Fisheries Act 17051705 c. 48Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Royal Mines Act (Ireland) 17051705 c. 12Acts of the Old Irish Parliament
Treason Act (Ireland) 1703 [I]1703 c. 5Acts of the Old Irish Parliament
The Act 1 Anne Stat. 2 17021702 c. 21Acts of the English Parliament
Demise of the Crown Act 17021702 c. 2Acts of the English Parliament
Crown Lands Act 17021702 c. 1Acts of the English Parliament
Criminal Procedure Act 17011701 c. 6Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Act of Settlement (1700)1700 c. 2Acts of the English Parliament

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