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Your search for English language Acts of the English Parliament has returned 79 results.

Results by year


Partial dataset 1267 - 1706
Complete dataset

Results grouped by 100 year periods

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  • Time of results
  • Count of results

The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.

Sort ascending by TitleSort descending by Years and NumbersLegislation type
Crown Lands Act 17021702 c. 1Acts of the English Parliament
Demise of the Crown Act 17021702 c. 2Acts of the English Parliament
Distress for Rent Act 1689 (repealed)1689 c. 5Acts of the English Parliament
Ecclesiastical Leases Act 1571 (repealed 19.11.1998)1571 c. 10Acts of the English Parliament
Ecclesiastical Leases Act 1572 (repealed 19.11.1998)1572 c. 11Acts of the English Parliament
Ecclesiastical Leases Act 1575 (repealed 19.11.1998)1575 c. 11Acts of the English Parliament
Ecclesiastical Licences Act 15331533 c. 21Acts of the English Parliament
Great Seal Act 16881688 c. 21Acts of the English Parliament
Habeas Corpus Act 16791679 c. 2Acts of the English Parliament
House of Lords Precedence Act 15391539 c. 10Acts of the English Parliament
Justices of the Peace Act 13611361 c. 1Acts of the English Parliament
Laws in Wales Act 1535 (repealed 21.12.1993)1535 c. 26Acts of the English Parliament
Laws in Wales Act 1542 (repealed)1542 c. 26Acts of the English Parliament
Letters Patent Act 15711571 c. 6Acts of the English Parliament
Liberty of Subject (1354)1354 c. 3Acts of the English Parliament
Magna Carta (1297)1297 c. 9Acts of the English Parliament
Meeting of Parliament Act 16941694 c. 2Acts of the English Parliament
Observance of due Process of Law (1368)1368 c. 3Acts of the English Parliament
Ordinances of Corporations Act 1503 (repealed 5.11.1993)1503 c. 7Acts of the English Parliament
Oxford and Cambridge Act 15711571 c. 29Acts of the English Parliament

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