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Your search for English language Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament from 1500-1599 has returned 37 results.

Results by year


Partial dataset 1424 - 1707
Complete dataset

Results grouped by 100 year periods

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  • Count of results

The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.

Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
Breach of Arrestment Act 15811581 c. 23Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Lawburrows Act 15811581 c. 22Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Subscription of Deeds Act 1579 (repealed)1579 c. 18Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Criminal Letters 15791579 c. 16Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Church Jurisdiction Act 15891579 c. 7Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Church Act 15791579 c. 6Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Burghs Act 15781578 c. 11Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Church Jurisdiction Act 15671567 c. 12Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Coronation Oath Act 15671567 c. 8Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Papal Jurisdiction Act 15601560 c. 2Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Confession of Faith Ratification Act 15601560 c. 1Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Lands Redemption Act 15551555 c. 3Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Subscription of Deeds Act 1540 (repealed)1540 c. 37Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
College of Justice Act 15401540 c. 10Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Citation Act 15401540 c. 10Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Liferent Caution Act 15351535 c. 14Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
College of Justice Act 15321532 c. 2Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament

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