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Your search for English language Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament has returned 109 results.

Results by year


Partial dataset 1424 - 1707
Complete dataset

Results grouped by 100 year periods

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.

Sort ascending by TitleSort descending by Years and NumbersLegislation type
Leases Act 14911491 c. 7Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Liferent Caution Act 14911491 c. 6Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Liferent Caution Act 15351535 c. 14Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Lyon King of Arms Act 16721672 c. 47Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Lyon King of Arms Act 16691669 c. 95Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Lyon King of Arms Act 15921592 c. 29Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
March Dykes Act1661 c. 284Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
March Dykes Act 16691669 c. 38Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Mines and Metals Act 15921592 c. 31Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Ministers Act 16931693 c. 38Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Minority Act 1663 [S]1663 c. 4Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Oaths of Minors Act 1681(repealed 25.9.1991)1681 c. 85Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Papal Jurisdiction Act 15601560 c. 2Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Parliament Act 16611661 c. 7Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Parricide Act 1594 (repealed)1594 c. 30Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Precedence Act 16611661 c. 211Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Prelacy Act 16891689 c. 4Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Prerogative Act 16611661 c. 13Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Protestant Religion and Presbyterian Church Act 17071707 c. 6Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Real Rights Act 16931693 c. 22Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament

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