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Your search for English language Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament has returned 109 results.

Results by year


Partial dataset 1424 - 1707
Complete dataset

Results grouped by 100 year periods

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.

Sort ascending by TitleSort descending by Years and NumbersLegislation type
Redemptions Act 1661 (repealed)1661 c. 247Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Register of Sasines Act1693 c. 23Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Registration Act 16171617 c. 16Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Registration Act 1661 (repealed)1661 c. 243Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Registration Act 16931693 c. 24Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Registration Act 16961696 c. 41Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Registration Act 1698 (repealed)1698 c. 4Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Removings Act 16931693 c. 40Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Reversion Act 1469 (repealed)1469 c. 3Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Royal Burghs Act 14871487 c. 17Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Royal Mines Act 14241424 c. 13Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Runrig Lands Act1695 c. 36Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Sovereignty Act 15841584 c. 2Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Sovereignty Act 16061606 c. 1Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Sovereignty Act 16331633 c. 3Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Subscription of Deeds Act 1540 (repealed)1540 c. 37Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Subscription of Deeds Act 1579 (repealed)1579 c. 18Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Subscription of Deeds Act 1681 (repealed)1681 c. 5Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Teinds Act 1690 (repealed)1690 c. 63Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament
Theft Act 16071607 c. 6Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament

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