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Your search for English language Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament from 1960-1969 has returned 101 results.

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Land Development Values (Compensation) Act (Northern Ireland) 19651965 Chapter 23Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Seeds Act (Northern Ireland) 19651965 Chapter 22Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Factories Act (Northern Ireland) 19651965 Chapter 20Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 19651965 Chapter 16Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
New Towns Act (Northern Ireland) 19651965 Chapter 13Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Administrative and Financial Provisions Act (Northern Ireland) 19651965 Chapter 12Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Trading Stamps Act (Northern Ireland) 19651965 Chapter 6Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Agriculture (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 19651965 Chapter 3Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Business Tenancies Act (Northern Ireland) 19641964 Chapter 36Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Charities Act (Northern Ireland) 19641964 Chapter 33Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Lands Tribunal and Compensation Act (Northern Ireland) 19641964 Chapter 29Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Petroleum (Production) Act (Northern Ireland) 19641964 Chapter 28Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 19641964 Chapter 26Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Pig Production Development Act (Northern Ireland) 1964(repealed)1964 Chapter 25Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 19641964 Chapter 24Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Law Reform (Husband and Wife) Act (Northern Ireland) 19641964 Chapter 23Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Magistrates' Courts Act (Northern Ireland) 19641964 Chapter 21Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Agricultural Marketing Act (Northern Ireland) 19641964 Chapter 13Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Marketing of Potatoes Act (Northern Ireland) 19641964 Chapter 8Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Administrative and Financial Provisions Act (Northern Ireland) 19641964 Chapter 6Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament

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