Chwilio Deddfwriaeth

Canlyniadau Chwilio

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Mae’r cyfrifon isod yn adlewyrchu’r nifer o ddogfennau ar sy’n cyfateb i’r chwiliad am eitemau o’r math hwn o ddeddfwriaeth ac nid yw’n fwriad iddynt ddynodi cyfanswm y ddeddfwriaeth a wnaed, a weithredwyd nac a fabwysiadwyd mewn blwyddyn benodol.

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The East Devon (Electoral Changes) Order 20172017 No. 1315Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
The Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications, Requests and Site Visits) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 20172017 No. 1314Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
The Government Resources and Accounts Act 2000 (Audit of Public Bodies) Order 20172017 No. 1313Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
The Environmental Protection (Microbeads) (England) Regulations 20172017 No. 1312Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
The Export Control (Syria and Libya Sanctions) (Amendment) Order 2017 (revoked)2017 No. 1311Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
The Apprenticeships (Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 20172017 No. 1310Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
The Town and Country Planning (Permission in Principle) (Amendment) Order 20172017 No. 1309Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
The National Insurance Contributions (Application of Part 7 of the Finance Act 2004) (Amendment) (Amendment) Regulations 20172017 No. 1308Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
The Building Societies (Restricted Transactions) (Amendment to the Limit on the Trade in Currencies) Order 20172017 No. 1307Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
The Special Educational Needs and Disability (First-tier Tribunal Recommendations Power) Regulations 20172017 No. 1306Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
The Council Tax Reduction Schemes (Amendment) (England) Regulations 20172017 No. 1305Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
The Capital Allowances Act 2001 (Extension of First-year Allowances) (Amendment) Order 20172017 No. 1304Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
The M4 and M48 Motorways (Severn Bridges Charging Scheme) Order 20172017 No. 1303Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
The Network Rail (Streat Green Underbridge) (Temporary Land Acquisition) Order 20172017 No. 1302Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
The Oversight of Professional Body Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing Supervision Regulations 20172017 No. 1301Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
The Air Navigation (Restriction of Flying) (Hyde Park) Regulations 20172017 No. 1300Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
The Air Navigation (Restriction of Flying) (Edinburgh) Regulations 20172017 No. 1299Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
The Diocese of Manchester (Educational Endowments) (Stowell Memorial Church of England Primary School) Order 20172017 No. 1298Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
The Magistrates’ Courts (Freezing and Forfeiture of Money in Bank and Building Society Accounts) Rules 20172017 No. 1297 (L. 27)Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
The Magistrates’ Courts (Detention and Forfeiture of Terrorist Assets) Rules 20172017 No. 1296 (L. 26)Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig

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