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Title Year and Number Legislation Type Review Date
The Foot-and-Mouth Disease Order 1983 1983/1950 UK Statutory Instruments
The Water Act 1983 (National Water Council Appointed Day) Order 1983 1983/1235 UK Statutory Instruments
The Water Act 1983 (Water Space Amenity Commission Appointed Day) Order 1983 1983/1174 UK Statutory Instruments
The Receiving of Trans-shipped Sea Fish (Licensing) (Variation) Order 1983 1983/1139 UK Statutory Instruments
The Wildlife and Countryside (Isles of Scilly) Order 1983 1983/512 UK Statutory Instruments
The British Fishing Boats Order 1983 1983/482 UK Statutory Instruments
The Agriculture and Horticulture Grant (Variation) Scheme 1983 1983/273 UK Statutory Instruments
The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (Commencement No 7) Order 1983 1983/87 UK Statutory Instruments
Pet Animals Act 1951 (Amendment) Act 1983 1983/26 UK Public General Acts
The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (Commencement No 6) Order 1983 1983/20 UK Statutory Instruments
Severn-Trent Water Authority Act 1983 1983/C. xvi UK Local Acts
British Fishing Boats Act 1983 1983/8 UK Public General Acts
Pig Industry Levy Act 1983 1983/4 UK Public General Acts
Agricultural Marketing Act 1983 1983/3 UK Public General Acts