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Commission Regulation (EU) No 139/2014Show full title

Commission Regulation (EU) No 139/2014 of 12 February 2014 laying down requirements and administrative procedures related to aerodromes pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council (Text with EEA relevance)

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This is a legislation item that originated from the EU

After exit day there will be three versions of this legislation to consult for different purposes. The version is the version that applies in the UK. The EU Version currently on EUR-lex is the version that currently applies in the EU i.e you may need this if you operate a business in the EU.

The web archive version is the official version of this legislation item as it stood on exit day before being published to and any subsequent UK changes and effects applied. The web archive also captured associated case law and other language formats from EUR-Lex.


This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

ANNEX III Part Organisation Requirements — Aerodrome Operators (Part-ADR.OR)


ADR.OR.A.005 Scope

This Annex establishes the requirements to be followed by:


an aerodrome operator subject to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 with respect to its certification, management, manuals and other responsibilities; and


a provider of apron management services.

ADR.OR.A.010 Competent Authority

For the purpose of this Part, the Competent Authority shall be the one designated by the Member State where the aerodrome is located.

ADR.OR.A.015 Means of compliance

(a)Alternative means of compliance to those adopted by the Agency may be used by an aerodrome operator or an apron management service provider to establish compliance with Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules.
(b)When an aerodrome operator or an apron management service provider wishes to use an alternative means of compliance to the Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) adopted by the Agency to establish compliance with Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules, it shall, prior to implementing it, provide the Competent Authority with a full description of the alternative means of compliance. The description shall include any revisions to manuals or procedures that may be relevant, as well as an assessment demonstrating that the Implementing Rules are met.

The aerodrome operator or the provider of apron management services may implement these alternative means of compliance subject to prior approval by the Competent Authority and upon receipt of the notification, as prescribed in ADR.AR.A.015(d).

(c)Where apron management services are not provided by the aerodrome operator itself, the use of alternative means of compliance by providers of such services in accordance with (a) and (b), shall also require prior agreement by the operator of the aerodrome where such services are provided.


ADR.OR.B.005 Certification obligations of aerodromes and aerodrome operators

Prior to commencing the operation of an aerodrome or when an exemption in accordance with Article 5 has been revoked, the aerodrome operator shall obtain the applicable certificate(s) issued by the Competent Authority.

ADR.OR.B.015 Application for a certificate

(a)The application for a certificate shall be made in a form and manner established by the Competent Authority.
(b)The applicant shall provide the Competent Authority with the following:

its official name and business name, address, and mailing address;


information and data regarding:


the location of the aerodrome;


the type of operations at the aerodrome; and


the design and facilities of the aerodrome, in accordance with the applicable certification specifications established by the Agency;


any proposed deviations from the identified applicable certification specifications established by the Agency;


documentation demonstrating how it will comply with the applicable requirements established in Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules. Such documentation shall include a procedure, contained in the aerodrome manual, describing how changes not requiring prior approval will be managed and notified to the Competent Authority; subsequent changes to this procedure shall require prior approval by the Competent Authority;


evidence of adequacy of resources to operate the aerodrome in accordance with the applicable requirements;


documented evidence showing the relationship of the applicant with the aerodrome owner and/or the land owner;


the name of and relevant information about the accountable manager and the other nominated persons required by ADR.OR.D.015; and


a copy of the aerodrome manual required by ADR.OR.E.005.

(c)If acceptable to the Competent Authority, information under points (7) and (8) may be provided at a later stage determined by the Competent Authority, but prior to the issuance of the certificate.

ADR.OR.B.025 Demonstration of compliance

(a)The aerodrome operator shall:

perform and document all actions, inspections, tests, safety assessments or exercises necessary, and shall demonstrate to the Competent Authority:


compliance with the notified certification basis, the certification specifications applicable to a change, any safety directive, as appropriate, and the applicable requirements of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules;


that the aerodrome, as well as its obstacle limitation and protection surfaces and other areas associated with the aerodrome, have no features or characteristics making it unsafe for operation; and


that the flight procedures of the aerodrome have been approved.


provide to the Competent Authority the means by which compliance has been demonstrated; and


declare to the Competent Authority its compliance with point (a)(1).

(b)Relevant design information, including drawings, inspection, test and other relevant reports, shall be held and kept by the aerodrome operator at the disposal of the Competent Authority, in accordance with the provisions of ADR.OR.D.035 and provided on request to the Competent Authority.

ADR.OR.B.030 Terms of the certificate and privileges of the certificate holder

An aerodrome operator shall comply with the scope and privileges defined in the terms of the certificate attached to it.

ADR.OR.B.035 Continued validity of a certificate

(a)A certificate shall remain valid subject to:

the aerodrome operator remaining in compliance with the relevant requirements of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008, and its Implementing Rules, and the aerodrome remaining in compliance with the certification basis, taking into account the provisions related to the handling of findings as specified under ADR.OR.C.020;


the Competent Authority being granted access to the aerodrome operator’s organisation as defined in ADR.OR.C.015 to determine continued compliance with the relevant requirements of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules; and


the certificate not being surrendered or revoked.

(b)Upon revocation or surrender, the certificate shall be returned to the Competent Authority without delay.

ADR.OR.B.037 Continued validity of a declaration of a provider of apron management services

A declaration made by a provider of apron management services in accordance with ADR.OR.B.060 shall remain valid subject to:


the provider of apron management services and the related facilities remaining in compliance with the relevant requirements of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules, taking into account the provisions related to the handling of findings as specified under ADR.OR.C.020;


the Competent Authority being granted access to the apron management services provider’s organisation as defined in ADR.OR.C.015 to determine continued compliance with the relevant requirements of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules; and


the declaration not being withdrawn by the provider of such services or deregistered by the Competent Authority.

ADR.OR.B.040 Changes

(a)Any change:

affecting the terms of the certificate, its certification basis and safety-critical aerodrome equipment; or


significantly affecting elements of the aerodrome operator’s management system as required in ADR.OR.D.005(b)

shall require prior approval by the Competent Authority.

(b)For other changes requiring prior approval in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules, the aerodrome operator shall apply for and obtain an approval issued by the Competent Authority.
(c)The application for a change in accordance with point (a) or (b) shall be submitted before any such change takes place, in order to enable the Competent Authority to determine continued compliance with Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules and to amend, if necessary, the certificate and related terms of the certificate attached to it.

The change shall only be implemented upon receipt of formal approval by the Competent Authority in accordance with ADR.AR.C.040.

During the changes, the aerodrome operator shall operate under the conditions approved by the Competent Authority.

(d)Changes not requiring prior approval shall be managed and notified to the Competent Authority as defined in the procedure approved by the Competent Authority in accordance with ADR.AR.C.035(h).
(e)The aerodrome operator shall provide the Competent Authority with the relevant documentation in accordance with point (f) and ADR.OR.E.005.
(f)As part of its management system, as defined in ADR.OR.D.005, the aerodrome operator proposing a change to the aerodrome, its operation, its organisation or its management system shall:

determine the interdependencies with any affected parties, plan and conduct a safety assessment in coordination with these organisations;


align assumptions and mitigations with any affected parties, in a systematic way;


ensure a comprehensive assessment of the change including any necessary interactions; and


ensure that complete and valid arguments, evidence and safety criteria are established and documented to support the safety assessment, and that the change supports the improvement of safety whenever reasonably practicable.

ADR.OR.B.050 Continuing compliance with the Agency’s certification specifications

The aerodrome operator, following an amendment of the certification specifications established by the Agency, shall:


perform a review to identify any certification specifications which are applicable to the aerodrome; and


if relevant, initiate a change process in accordance with ADR.OR.B.040 and implement the necessary changes at the aerodrome.

ADR.OR.B.060 Declaration of providers of apron management services

(a)Providers of apron management services that have been allowed to declare their capability and means of discharging the responsibilities associated with the provision of such services, and following an agreement with an aerodrome operator for the provision of such services at an aerodrome, shall:

provide the Competent Authority with all relevant information and declare its compliance with all applicable requirements of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules, using a form established by the Competent Authority;


provide the Competent Authority with a list of the alternative means of compliance used, in accordance with ADR.OR.A.015(b);


maintain compliance with the applicable requirements and with the information given in the declaration;


notify the Competent Authority of any changes to its declaration or the means of compliance it uses through submission of an amended declaration; and


provide its services in accordance with the aerodrome manual and comply with all relevant provisions contained therein.

(b)Before ceasing the provision of such services, the provider of apron management services shall notify the Competent Authority and the aerodrome operator.

ADR.OR.B.065 Termination of operation

An operator intending to terminate the operation of an aerodrome shall:


notify the Competent Authority as soon as possible;


provide such information to the appropriate Aeronautical Information Service provider;


surrender the certificate to the Competent Authority upon the date of termination of operation; and


ensure that appropriate measures have been taken to avoid the unintended use of the aerodrome by aircraft, unless the Competent Authority has approved the use of the aerodrome for other purposes.


ADR.OR.C.005 Aerodrome operator responsibilities

(a)The aerodrome operator is responsible for the safe operation and maintenance of the aerodrome in accordance with:

Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules;


the terms of its certificate;


the content of the aerodrome manual; and


any other manuals for the aerodrome equipment available at the aerodrome, as applicable.

(b)The aerodrome operator shall ensure directly, or coordinate through arrangements as required with the accountable entities providing the following services:

the provision of air navigation services appropriate to the level of traffic and the operating conditions at the aerodrome; and


the design and maintenance of the flight procedures, in accordance with the applicable requirements.

(c)The aerodrome operator shall coordinate with the Competent Authority to ensure that relevant information for the safety of aircraft is contained in the aerodrome manual and is published where appropriate. This shall include:

exemptions or derogations granted from the applicable requirements;


provisions for which an equivalent level of safety was accepted by the Competent Authority as part of the certification basis; and


special conditions and limitations with regard to the use of the aerodrome.

(d)If an unsafe condition develops at the aerodrome, the aerodrome operator shall, without undue delay, take all necessary measures to ensure that those parts of the aerodrome found to endanger safety are not used by aircraft.

ADR.OR.C.015 Access

For the purpose of determining compliance with the relevant requirements of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules, an aerodrome operator or provider of apron management services shall grant access to any person authorised by the Competent Authority, to:


any facility, document, records, data, procedures or any other material relevant to its activity subject to certification or declaration, whether it is contracted or not; and


perform or witness any action, inspection, test, assessment or exercise the Competent Authority finds is necessary.

ADR.OR.C.020 Findings and corrective actions

After receipt of notification of findings, the aerodrome operator or the provider of apron management services shall:


identify the root cause of the non-compliance;


define a corrective action plan; and


demonstrate the corrective action implementation to the satisfaction of the Competent Authority within the period agreed with that authority as defined in ADR.AR.C.055(d).

ADR.OR.C.025 Immediate reaction to a safety problem — compliance with safety directives

The aerodrome operator or provider of apron management services shall implement any safety measures, including safety directives, mandated by the Competent Authority in accordance with ADR.AR.A.030(c) and ADR.AR.A.040.

ADR.OR.C.030 Occurrence reporting

(a)The aerodrome operator and the provider of apron management services shall report to the Competent Authority, and to any other organisation required by the State where the aerodrome is located, any accident, serious incident and occurrence as defined in Regulation (EU) No 996/2010 of the European Parliament and the Council(1) and Directive 2003/42/EC.
(b)Without prejudice to point (a) the operator shall report to the Competent Authority and to the organisation responsible for the design of aerodrome equipment any malfunction, technical defect, exceeding of technical limitations, occurrence or other irregular circumstance that has or may have endangered safety and that has not resulted in an accident or serious incident.
(c)Without prejudice to Regulation (EU) No 996/2010 and Directive 2003/42/EC, Commission Regulation (EC) No 1321/2007(2) and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1330/2007(3) the reports referred to in points (a) and (b) shall be made in a form and manner established by the Competent Authority and contain all pertinent information about the condition known to the aerodrome operator or the provider of apron management services.
(d)Reports shall be made as soon as practicable, but in any case within 72 hours of the aerodrome operator or the provider of the apron management services identifying the condition to which the report relates, unless exceptional circumstances prevent this.
(e)Where relevant, the aerodrome operator or the provider of apron management services shall produce a follow-up report to provide details of actions it intends to take to prevent similar occurrences in the future, as soon as these actions have been identified. This report shall be produced in a form and manner established by the Competent Authority.

ADR.OR.C.040 Prevention of fire

The aerodrome operator shall establish procedures to prohibit:


smoking within the movement area, other operational areas of the aerodrome, or areas of the aerodrome where fuel or other flammable material is stored;


display of an open flame or undertaking of an activity that would create a fire hazard within:


areas of the aerodrome where fuel or other flammable material is stored;


the movement area or other operational areas of the aerodrome, unless authorised by the aerodrome operator.

ADR.OR.C.045 Use of alcohol, psychoactive substances and medicines

(a)The aerodrome operator shall establish procedures on the level of consumption of alcohol, psychoactive substances and medicines by:

personnel involved in the operation, rescue and firefighting, and maintenance of the aerodrome;


unescorted persons operating on the movement area or other operational areas of the aerodrome.

(b)These procedures shall include the requirements that such persons shall:

not consume alcohol during their duty period;


not perform any duties under the influence:


of alcohol, or any psychoactive substance; or


any medicine that may have an effect on his/her abilities in a manner contrary to safety.


ADR.OR.D.005 Management system

(a)The aerodrome operator shall implement and maintain a management system integrating a safety management system.
(b)The management system shall include:

clearly defined lines of responsibility and accountability throughout the aerodrome operator, including a direct accountability for safety on the part of senior management;


a description of the overall philosophies and principles of the aerodrome operator with regard to safety, referred to as the safety policy, signed by the accountable manager;


a formal process that ensures that hazards in operations are identified;


a formal process that ensures analysis, assessment and mitigation of the safety risks in aerodrome operations;


the means to verify the safety performance of the aerodrome operator’s organisation in reference to the safety performance indicators and safety performance targets of the safety management system, and to validate the effectiveness of safety risk controls;


a formal process to:


identify changes within the aerodrome operator’s organisation, management system, the aerodrome or its operation which may affect established processes, procedures and services;


describe the arrangements to ensure safety performance before implementing changes; and


eliminate or modify safety risk controls that are no longer needed or effective due to changes in the operational environment;


a formal processes to review the management system referred to in paragraph (a), identify the causes of substandard performance of the safety management system, determine the implications of such substandard performance in operations, and eliminate or mitigate such causes;


a safety training programme that ensures that personnel involved in the operation, rescue and firefighting, maintenance and management of the aerodrome are trained and competent to perform the safety management system duties;


formal means for safety communication that ensures that personnel are fully aware of the safety management system, conveys safety critical information, and explains why particular safety actions are taken and why safety procedures are introduced or changed;


coordination of the safety management system with the aerodrome emergency response plan; and coordination of the aerodrome emergency response plan with the emergency response plans of those organisations it must interface with during the provision of aerodrome services; and


a formal process to monitor compliance of the organisation with the relevant requirements.

(c)The aerodrome operator shall document all management system key processes.
(d)The management system shall be proportionate to the size of the organisation and its activities, taking into account the hazards and associated risks inherent in these activities.
(e)In the case that the aerodrome operator holds also a certificate to provide air navigation services, it shall ensure that the management system covers all activities in the scope of its certificates.

ADR.OR.D.007 Management of aeronautical data and aeronautical information

(a)As part of its management system, the aerodrome operator shall implement and maintain a quality management system covering:

its aeronautical data activities; and


its aeronautical information provision activities.

(b)The aerodrome operator shall define procedures for meeting the safety and security management objectives with respect to:

aeronautical data activities; and


aeronautical information provision activities.

ADR.OR.D.010 Contracted activities

(a)Contracted activities include all activities within the aerodrome operator’s scope in accordance with the terms of the certificate that are performed by other organisations either itself certified to carry out such activity or if not certified, working under the aerodrome operator’s approval. The aerodrome operator shall ensure that when contracting or purchasing any part of its activity, the contracted or purchased service or equipment or system conforms to the applicable requirements.
(b)When an aerodrome operator contracts any part of its activity to an organisation that is not itself certified in accordance with this Part to carry out such activity, the contracted organisation shall work under the approval and oversight of the aerodrome operator. The aerodrome operator shall ensure that the Competent Authority is given access to the contracted organisation, to determine continued compliance with the applicable requirements.

ADR.OR.D.015 Personnel requirements

(a)The aerodrome operator shall appoint an accountable manager, who has the authority for ensuring that all activities can be financed and carried out in accordance with the applicable requirements. The accountable manager shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining an effective management system.
(b)The aerodrome operator shall nominate persons responsible for the management and supervision of the following areas:

operational services of the aerodrome; and


maintenance of the aerodrome.

(c)The aerodrome operator shall nominate a person or group of persons responsible for the development, maintenance and day-to-day management of the safety management system.

Those persons shall act independently of other managers within the organisation, shall have direct access to the accountable manager and to appropriate management for safety matters and shall be responsible to the accountable manager.

(d)The aerodrome operator shall have sufficient and qualified personnel for the planned tasks and activities to be performed in accordance with the applicable requirements.
(e)The aerodrome operator shall assign a sufficient number of personnel supervisors to defined duties and responsibilities, taking into account the structure of the organisation and the number of personnel employed.
(f)The aerodrome operator shall ensure that personnel involved in the operation, maintenance and management of the aerodrome are adequately trained in accordance with the training programme.

ADR.OR.D.017 Training and proficiency check programmes

(a)The aerodrome operator shall establish and implement a training programme for personnel involved in the operation, maintenance and management of the aerodrome.
(b)The aerodrome operator shall ensure that unescorted persons operating on the movement area or other operational areas of the aerodrome are adequately trained.
(c)The aerodrome operator shall ensure that persons referred to in points (a) and (b) above have demonstrated their capabilities in the performance of their assigned duties through proficiency check at adequate intervals to ensure continued competence.
(d)The aerodrome operator shall ensure that:

adequately qualified and experienced instructors and assessors for the implementation of the training programme are used; and


suitable facilities and means are used for the provision of the training.

(e)The aerodrome operator shall:

maintain appropriate qualification, training and proficiency check records to demonstrate compliance with this requirement;


on request, make such records available to its personnel concerned; and


if a person is employed by another employer, on request, make such records of that person available to that new employer.

ADR.OR.D.020 Facilities requirements

(a)The aerodrome operator shall ensure that adequate and appropriate facilities are available to its personnel or personnel employed by parties with whom it has contracted for the provision of aerodrome operational and maintenance services.
(b)The aerodrome operator shall designate appropriate areas at the aerodrome to be used for the storage of dangerous goods transported through the aerodrome, in accordance with the Technical Instructions.

ADR.OR.D.025 Coordination with other organisations

The aerodrome operator shall:


ensure that the management system of the aerodrome addresses the coordination and interface with the safety procedures of other organisations operating or providing services at the aerodrome; and


ensure that such organisations have safety procedures in place to comply with the applicable requirements of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules and the requirements laid down in the aerodrome manual.

ADR.OR.D.027 Safety programmes

The aerodrome operator shall:


establish, lead and implement programmes to promote safety and the exchange of safety-relevant information; and


encourage organisations operating or providing services at the aerodrome to be involved in such programmes.

ADR.OR.D.030 Safety reporting system

(a)The aerodrome operator shall establish and implement a safety reporting system for all personnel and organisations operating or providing services at the aerodrome, in order to promote safety at, and the safe use of, the aerodrome.
(b)The aerodrome operator, in accordance with ADR.OR.D.005 (b)(3), shall:

require that the personnel and organisations mentioned in point (a) use the safety reporting system for the mandatory reporting of any accident, serious incident and occurrence; and


ensure that the safety reporting system may be used for the voluntary reporting of any defect, fault and safety hazard which could impact safety.

(c)The safety reporting system shall protect the identity of the reporter, encourage voluntary reporting and include the possibility that reports may be submitted anonymously.
(d)The aerodrome operator shall:

record all reports submitted;


analyse and assess the reports, as appropriate, in order to address safety deficiencies and identify trends;


ensure that all organisations operating or providing services at the aerodrome which are relevant to the safety concern, participate in the analysis of such reports and that any corrective and/or preventive measures identified are implemented;


conduct investigations of reports, as appropriate; and


refrain from attribution of blame in line with the ‘just culture’ principles.

ADR.OR.D.035 Record keeping

(a)The aerodrome operator shall establish an adequate system of record keeping, covering all its activities undertaken under Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules.
(b)The format of the records shall be specified in the aerodrome manual.
(c)Records shall be stored in a manner that ensures protection from damage, alteration and theft.
(d)Records shall be kept for a minimum of five years, except that the below records shall be kept as follows:

the aerodrome certification basis, the alternative means of compliance in use and the current aerodrome or aerodrome operator certificate(s), for the lifespan of the certificate;


arrangements with other organisations, for as long as such arrangements are in effect;


manuals of aerodrome equipment or systems employed at the aerodrome, for as long as they are used at the aerodrome;


safety assessment reports for the lifetime of the system/procedure/activity;


personnel training, qualifications, and medical records as well as their proficiency checks, as appropriate, for at least four years after the end of their employment, or until the area of their employment has been audited by the Competent Authority; and


the current version of the hazard register.

(e)All records shall be subject to applicable data protection law.


ADR.OR.E.005 Aerodrome manual

(a)The aerodrome operator shall establish and maintain an aerodrome manual.
(b)The content of the aerodrome manual shall reflect the certification basis and the requirements set out in this Part and Part-ADR.OPS, as applicable, and shall not contravene the terms of the certificate. The aerodrome manual shall contain or refer to all necessary information for the safe use, operation and maintenance of the aerodrome, its equipment, as well as its obstacle limitation and protection surfaces and other areas associated with the aerodrome.
(c)The aerodrome manual may be issued in separate parts.
(d)The aerodrome operator shall ensure that all aerodrome personnel and all other relevant organisation’s personnel have easy access to the portions of the aerodrome manual that are relevant to their duties and responsibilities.
(e)The aerodrome operator shall:

supply the Competent Authority with the intended amendments and revisions of the aerodrome manual, for items requiring prior approval in accordance with ADR.OR.B.040, in advance of the effective date and ensure that they do not become effective before obtaining the Competent Authority’s approval; or


supply the Competent Authority with the intended amendments and revisions of the aerodrome manual in advance of the effective date, if the proposed amendment or revision of the aerodrome manual requires only a notification to the Competent Authority in accordance with ADR.OR.B.040(d) and ADR.OR.B.015(b).

(f)Notwithstanding point (e), when amendments or revisions are required in the interest of safety, they may be published and applied immediately, provided that any approval required has been applied for.
(g)The aerodrome operator shall:

review the content of the aerodrome manual, ensure that it is kept up to date and amended whenever necessary;


incorporate all amendments and revisions required by the Competent Authority; and


make all aerodrome personnel and other relevant organisations aware of the changes that are relevant to their duties and responsibilities.

(h)The aerodrome operator shall ensure that any information taken from other approved documents, and any amendment thereof, is correctly reflected in the aerodrome manual. This does not prevent the aerodrome operator from publishing more conservative data and procedures in the aerodrome manual.
(i)The aerodrome operator shall ensure that:

the aerodrome manual is written in a language acceptable to the Competent Authority; and


all personnel are able to read and understand the language in which those parts of the aerodrome manual and other operational documents pertaining to their duties and responsibilities are written.

(j)The aerodrome operator shall ensure that the aerodrome manual:

is signed by the accountable manager of the aerodrome;


is printed or is in electronic format and is easy to revise;


has a system for version control management which is applied and made visible in the aerodrome manual; and


observes human factors principles and is organised in a manner that facilitates its preparation, use and review.

(k)The aerodrome operator shall keep at least one complete and current copy of the aerodrome manual at the aerodrome and make it available for inspection by the Competent Authority.
(l)The content of the aerodrome manual shall be as follows:



Aerodrome management system, qualification and training requirements;


Particulars of the aerodrome site;


Particulars of the aerodrome required to be reported to the Aeronautical Information Service; and


Particulars of the operating procedures of the aerodrome, its equipment and safety measures.

ADR.OR.E.010 Documentation requirements

(a)The aerodrome operator shall ensure the availability of any other documentation required and associated amendments.
(b)The aerodrome operator shall be capable of distributing operational instructions and other information without delay.

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