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Your search for English language Local Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1799 has returned 83 results.

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Partial dataset 1797 - 1800
Complete dataset 1801 - Present

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.


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Legislation by Year

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Jeremy's Ferry Bridge and Roads (Essex and Middlesex) Act 17991799 c. xxiiiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Dumfries and Roxburgh County Roads Act 17991799 c. xxiiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Selby and Leeds Road Act 17991799 c. xxiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Weyhill and Lydeway Road Act 17991799 c. xxLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Enfield and Hertford and Hertford and Ware Roads Act 17991799 c. xixLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Hertford and Broadwater and Ware and Walkern Roads Act 17991799 c. xviiiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Gosport and Bishop's Waltham, and Wickham and Cawton Roads Act 17991799 c. xviiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Watling Street Turnpike Road Act 17991799 c. xviLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Much Wenlock and Gleeton Hill and Cressage Roads Act 17991799 c. xvLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Burton-upon-Trent and Derby Road Act 17991799 c. xivLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Kilburn Bridge and Sparrow's Herne Road Act 17991799 c. xiiiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Nottingham and Derby Road Act 17991799 c. xiiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Evesham and Alcester Road Act 17991799 c. xiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Ferrybridge, Wetherby and Boroughbridge Road Act 17991799 c. xLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Knaresborough and Green Hammerton Road Act 17991799 c. ixLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Severn River Towing-path Act 17991799 c. viiiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Upton and Fishley Inclosures Act 17991799 c. viiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Brixham Harbour and Market Act 17991799 c. viLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Oxford Canal Act 17991799 c. vLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
St. Bride, Fleet Street, Poor Relief Act 17991799 c. ivLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain

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