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Your search for English language Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly has returned more than 200 results.

Results by year


Partial dataset
Complete dataset 2000 - Present

Results grouped by 10 year periods

Data is ordered by:

  • Time of results
  • Count of results

The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.

Sort ascending by TitleSort descending by Years and NumbersLegislation type
Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) Act (Northern Ireland) 20232023 c. 1Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly
Addressing Bullying in Schools Act (Northern Ireland) 20162016 c. 25Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly
Adoption (Intercountry Aspects) Act (Northern Ireland) 20012001 c. 11Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly
Adoption and Children Act (Northern Ireland) 20222022 c. 18Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly
Air Passenger Duty (Setting of Rate) Act (Northern Ireland) 20122012 c. 5Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly
Allowances to Members of the Assembly (Repeal) Act (Northern Ireland) 20112011 c. 8Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly
Allowances to Members of the Assembly Act (Northern Ireland) 2000 (repealed)2000 c. 3Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly
Animal Welfare (Service Animals) Act (Northern Ireland) 20222022 c. 9Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly
Appropriation Act (Northern Ireland) 20002000 c. 2Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly
Assembly and Executive Reform (Assembly Opposition) Act (Northern Ireland) 20162016 c. 10Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly
Assembly Members (Independent Financial Review and Standards) Act (Northern Ireland) 20112011 c. 17Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly
Assembly Members (Reduction of Numbers) Act (Northern Ireland) 20162016 c. 29Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly
Autism (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 20222022 c. 13Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly
Autism Act (Northern Ireland) 20112011 c. 27Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly
Betting, Gaming, Lotteries and Amusements (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 20222022 c. 14Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly
Budget (No. 2) Act (Northern Ireland) 20012001 c. 16Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly
Budget (No. 2) Act (Northern Ireland) 20022002 c. 7Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly
Budget (No. 2) Act (Northern Ireland) 2008 (repealed)2008 c. 11Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly
Budget (No. 2) Act (Northern Ireland) 2009 (repealed)2009 c. 7Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly
Budget (No. 2) Act (Northern Ireland) 2010 (repealed)2010 c. 8Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly

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