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Your search for English language Secondary Legislation from 1951 with a subject starting with F has returned 10 results.

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The Building Operations (First-Aid and Ambulance Room Equipment) Order (Northern Ireland) 19511951 No. 179Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Factories (Miscellaneous Welfare Orders, etc., Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 19511951 No. 125Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Foundries (Parting Materials) Special Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19511951 No. 51Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Utility Furniture (Marking and Supply) (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) Order (Northern Ireland) 19511951 No. 109Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Family Allowances

The Family Allowances (Guernsey Reciprocal Arrangements) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19511951 No. 183Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs

The Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs (Northern Ireland) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19511951 No. 119Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders


The Local Government (Finance) (Boards of Guardians) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19511951 No. 227Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Fire Services

The Fire Services (Standard Fire Provision) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19511951 No. 63Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders


The Boards of Conservators (Trout Rod Representation) Order (Northern Ireland) 19511951 No. 88Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders


The Flax (General) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19511951 No. 186Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

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