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Your search for English language Secondary Legislation with a subject starting with U has returned more than 200 results.

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Ulster Savings Certificates

The Ulster Savings Certificates (Sixth Issue) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19721972 No. 204Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Ulster Savings Certificates (Sixth Issue) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19751975 No. 215Northern Ireland Statutory Rules
The Ulster Savings Certificates (Sixth Issue) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19801980 No. 287Northern Ireland Statutory Rules
The Ulster Savings Certificates (Sixth Issue) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19811981 No. 279Northern Ireland Statutory Rules
The Ulster Savings Certificates (Supplementary Issue) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19641964 No. 210Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Ulster Savings Certificates (Supplementary Issue) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19701970 No. 292Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Ulster Savings Certificates (Supplementary Issue) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19751975 No. 322Northern Ireland Statutory Rules
The Ulster Savings Certificates (Supplementary Issue) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19811981 No. 391Northern Ireland Statutory Rules
The Ulster Savings Certificates (Supplementary Issue) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19821982 No. 102Northern Ireland Statutory Rules
The Ulster Savings Certificates (Tenth Issue) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19641964 No. 59Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Ulster Savings Certificates (Tenth Issue) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19631963 No. 83Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Ulster Savings Certificates (Tenth Issue) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19691969 No. 111Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Ulster Savings Certificates (Tenth Issue) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19751975 No. 114Northern Ireland Statutory Rules
The Ulster Savings Certificates (Tenth Issue) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19811981 No. 127Northern Ireland Statutory Rules
The Ulster Savings Certificates (Tenth Issue) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19821982 No. 101Northern Ireland Statutory Rules
The Ulster Savings Certificates (Third Index Linked) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19851985 No. 148Northern Ireland Statutory Rules
The Ulster Savings Certificates (Third Issue) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19651965 No. 192Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Ulster Savings Certificates (Thirtieth Issue) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19851985 No. 16Northern Ireland Statutory Rules
The Ulster Savings Certificates (Thirty-first Issue) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19861986 No. 286Northern Ireland Statutory Rules
The Ulster Savings Certificates (Thirty-first Issue) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19851985 No. 248Northern Ireland Statutory Rules

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