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Your search for English language Scottish Statutory Instruments from 2008 numbered between 200 and 299 has returned 100 results.

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.


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    Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
    The Diseases of Animals (Approved Disinfectants) (Scotland) Order 20082008 No. 219Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Official Feed and Food Controls (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 20082008 No. 218Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Title Conditions (Scotland) Act 2003 (Conservation Bodies) Amendment Order 20082008 No. 217Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Spreadable Fats, Milk and Milk Products (Scotland) Regulations 20082008 No. 216Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Feeding Stuffs (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 20082008 No. 215Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The St Mary’s Music School (Aided Places) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 20082008 No. 214Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Education (Assisted Places) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 20082008 No. 213Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Academic Awards and Distinctions (UHI Millennium Institute) (Scotland) Order of Council 20082008 No. 212Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The A76 Trunk Road (Newbridge Drive, Dumfries to Newbridge Village) (Redetermination of Means of Exercise of Public Right of Passage) Order 20082008 No. 211Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The North East Unit Trunk Roads Area (Temporary Prohibitions of Traffic, Temporary Prohibitions of Overtaking and Temporary Speed Restrictions) (No.5) Order 20082008 No. 210Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The North West Unit Trunk Roads Area (Temporary Prohibitions of Traffic, Temporary Prohibitions of Overtaking and Temporary Speed Restrictions) (No.5) Order 20082008 No. 209Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The South East Unit Trunk Roads Area (Temporary Prohibitions of Traffic, Temporary Prohibitions of Overtaking and Temporary Speed Restrictions) (No.5) Order 20082008 No. 208Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The South West Unit Trunk Roads Area (Temporary Prohibitions of Traffic, Temporary Prohibitions of Overtaking and Temporary Speed Restrictions) (No.5) Order 20082008 No. 207Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Education (Means Testing) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 20082008 No. 206Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Education (Student Loans) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 20082008 No. 205Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Individual Learning Account (Scotland) Amendment (No. 2) Regulations 20082008 No. 204Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Amendment Order 20082008 No. 203Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The National Scenic Areas (Scotland) Regulations 20082008 No. 202Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Feed (Hygiene and Enforcement) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 20082008 No. 201Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Transport and Works (Scotland) Act 2007 (Access to Land by the Scottish Ministers) Order 20082008 No. 200Scottish Statutory Instruments

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