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Your search for English language UK Impact Assessments from 2011 has returned 62 results.

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.


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Impact Assessments by Department

Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
Creating a single set of specific duties to underpin the new Public Sector Equality Duty2011 No. 396UK Impact Assessments
Changes to the UK's transit visa regime for Syria, Libya and Egypt2011 No. 351UK Impact Assessments
Amendments to Schedule 5 of the Anti Terrorism, Crime and Security Act (2001) IA No: HO2011 No. 348UK Impact Assessments
Impact Assessment for the Immigration and Nationality (Fees) Regulations 20122011 No. 347UK Impact Assessments
Impact Assessment of Biometric Residence Permits: Leave to Remian including Indefinite Leave to Remain,Asylum,Protection,Statelessness and Discretionary Leave2011 No. 337UK Impact Assessments
Relaxation of licensing hours for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee2011 No. 322UK Impact Assessments
Amendment of Section 147 of the Equality Act 20102011 No. 286UK Impact Assessments
Amendments to Schedule 5 of the Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act (2001)2011 No. 277UK Impact Assessments
Civil partnerships on religious premises2011 No. 215UK Impact Assessments
Reform of Vehicle Immobilisation2011 No. 212UK Impact Assessments
Creating a single set of specific duties to underpin the new integrated public sector Equality Duty2011 No. 196UK Impact Assessments
Impact Assessment: Reviewing offenders subject to indefinite notification requirements2011 No. 185UK Impact Assessments
Reform of the points-based student immigration system2011 No. 178UK Impact Assessments
Reform of the Points Based Student (PBS) Immigration System2011 No. 177UK Impact Assessments
Impact Assessment on proposed changes to the Vetting & Barring Scheme and Criminal Records Regime2011 No. 173UK Impact Assessments
Police and Crime Commissioners2011 No. 131UK Impact Assessments
Government Equalities Office2011 No. 114UK Impact Assessments
Migration Permanent Limit (Points Based System Tier 1 and Tier 2)2011 No. 109UK Impact Assessments
Civil partnerships on religious premises2011 No. 91UK Impact Assessments

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