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Your search for English language UK Impact Assessments from 2012 has returned more than 200 results.

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.

Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
Cattle Compensation: Bovine TB, Brucellosis, BSE and Enzootic Leukosis2012 No. 179UK Impact Assessments
Impact Assessment for the Legislative Reform Order to amend the constitution of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Preliminary Investigation Committee and Disciplinary Committee2012 No. 178UK Impact Assessments
European Communities Act 1972 - Regulations to transpose the EU Wild Birds Directive2012 No. 177UK Impact Assessments
Landfill Allowance Trading Scheme2012 No. 176UK Impact Assessments
Welfare of wild animals in travelling circuses2012 No. 175UK Impact Assessments
Amendments to exemptions to TB pre-movement testing2012 No. 174UK Impact Assessments
Amendments to Cattle Identification Regulations2012 No. 173UK Impact Assessments
Impact Assessment of the African Horse Sickness Regulations through the implementation of Directive 92/35/EEC2012 No. 172UK Impact Assessments
DCMS031 Adjustments to Gambling Commission Operating Fees2012 No. 171UK Impact Assessments
EMPOWERING AND PROTECTING CONSUMERS - Consumer Landscape Review -Impact assessments on Enforcement, Advocacy and Information, Advice and Education2012 No. 170UK Impact Assessments
Impact Assessment BIS10572012 No. 169UK Impact Assessments
Impact Assessment BIS10552012 No. 168UK Impact Assessments
Impact Assessment BIS03092012 No. 167UK Impact Assessments
Impact Assessment BIS03082012 No. 166UK Impact Assessments
Impact Assessment2012 No. 165UK Impact Assessments
Regulating security in the construction phase of new build nuclear power stations2012 No. 164UK Impact Assessments
Impact Assessment - The Child Support Maintenance Calculation Regs 20122012 No. 163UK Impact Assessments
Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) Secondary Legislation2012 No. 162UK Impact Assessments
Child Performers IA -Licencing Process consultation stage2012 No. 161UK Impact Assessments
Child Performers IA -Chaperones Consultation stage2012 No. 160UK Impact Assessments

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