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Your search for English language UK Impact Assessments has returned more than 200 results.

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Complete dataset 2008 - Present

Results grouped by 10 year periods

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.

Sort ascending by TitleSort descending by Years and NumbersLegislation type
MHRA 4021 Transposition of Directive 2011-100-EU on in-vitro diagnostic medical devices2012 No. 286UK Impact Assessments
Impact Assessment (IA) | Health Research Authority (HRA)2012 No. 222UK Impact Assessments
Impact Assessment (IA) | Health Education England2012 No. 221UK Impact Assessments
A new system for workforce planning education and training2012 No. 220UK Impact Assessments
Impact Assessment (IA) | Reform of adult social care legislation2012 No. 219UK Impact Assessments
Impact Assessment | Assessment, eligibility and portability for care users and carers2012 No. 218UK Impact Assessments
Impact Assessment (IA) | Quality, care providers and the workforce2012 No. 217UK Impact Assessments
Impact Assessment (IA) | Independence, choice and control2012 No. 216UK Impact Assessments
Consultation on proposals to transfer fucntions from the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority and the HUman Tissue Authority2012 No. 215UK Impact Assessments
Responsible officers in the new health architecture; and proposals for making the explicit checking of language skills for doctors2012 No. 214UK Impact Assessments
Impact Assess Implementing Health Act 2006 Fees NHS pharmaceutical services updated2012 No. 213UK Impact Assessments
Impact analysis Control of Entry and Exit in the NHS pharmaceutical market2012 No. 212UK Impact Assessments
Consolidation of UK medicines legislation2012 No. 211UK Impact Assessments
Impact assessment of the effect of repealing the smoke free sign regulations (2007)2012 No. 210UK Impact Assessments
Standardised packaging of tobacco products2012 No. 209UK Impact Assessments
Healthy lives, healthy people: consutlation on the arrangements for consultations on the fluoridation of drinking water2012 No. 208UK Impact Assessments
Consultation on a proposed public health workforce strategy2012 No. 207UK Impact Assessments
Impact Assessment for the prohibition on the sale of tobacco from vending machines2012 No. 206UK Impact Assessments
Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on standards of quality and safety of human organs intended for transplantation2012 No. 205UK Impact Assessments
Liberating the NHS No Decision About Me Without Me - Further consultation2012 No. 204UK Impact Assessments

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