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Your search for English language UK Impact Assessments has returned more than 200 results.

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Complete dataset 2008 - Present

Results grouped by 10 year periods

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.

Sort ascending by TitleSort descending by Years and NumbersLegislation type
Funding victims’ services using FPN revenue2012 No. 259UK Impact Assessments
Reforms to increase and extend the Victim Surcharge2012 No. 258UK Impact Assessments
Commissioning Victims’ Services2012 No. 257UK Impact Assessments
Framework for Quality and Outcomes in Support Services for Victims of Crime2012 No. 256UK Impact Assessments
Victim and Witness Consultation Response2012 No. 255UK Impact Assessments
Impact Assessment for Transforming the Services of the Office of the Public Guardian2012 No. 254UK Impact Assessments
Effective community sentences and probation review impact assessment2012 No. 253UK Impact Assessments
Alcohol abstinence and monitoring requirement Impact Assessment2012 No. 252UK Impact Assessments
Enforcement tool to deal with economic crime by commercial organisations: deferred prosecution agreements Impact Assessment2012 No. 251UK Impact Assessments
Judicial Appointments: Changes to the statutory framework - Impact Assessment2012 No. 250UK Impact Assessments
MoJ Impact Assessment - Giving legal effect to the administrative merger of the Crown Prosecution Service and the Revenue and Customs Prosecutions Office2012 No. 249UK Impact Assessments
MoJ Impact Assessment - Claim Management Regulations Consultation2012 No. 248UK Impact Assessments
Damages Act 1996: The Discount Rate - How should it be set?2012 No. 223UK Impact Assessments
Third Parties (rights against insurers) Act 2010 - correction and commencement2012 No. 39UK Impact Assessments
Proposed reforms to third party debt orders2012 No. 21UK Impact Assessments
Alternative Dispute Resolution proposals for civil cases2012 No. 20UK Impact Assessments
A Single County for England and Wales and the deployment of High Court Judiciary to the County Courts2012 No. 19UK Impact Assessments
Reforming civil jurisdiction limits2012 No. 18UK Impact Assessments
Whether a minimum limit should be imposed on Order for Sale applications in relation to Consumer Credit Act debts only2012 No. 16UK Impact Assessments
Getting it right for Victims and Witnesses2012 No. 8UK Impact Assessments

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