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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1972 has returned more than 200 results.

Results by year


Partial dataset 1948 - 1986
Complete dataset 1987 - Present

Results grouped by 10 year periods

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.

Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
The Conveyance by Road of Military Explosives (Amendment) Regulations 19721972 No. 1504UK Statutory Instruments
The Conveyance by Rail of Military Explosives (Amendment) Regulations 19721972 No. 1503UK Statutory Instruments
The Conveyance in Harbours of Military Explosives (Amendment) Regulations 19721972 No. 1502UK Statutory Instruments
The Brucellosis (England and Wales) Compensation Order 19721972 No. 1500UK Statutory Instruments
The Composite Sugar Products (Distribution Payments— Average Rates) (No. 23) Order 19721972 No. 1499UK Statutory Instruments
The Sugar (Distribution Repayments) (Amendment) (No. 22) Order 19721972 No. 1498UK Statutory Instruments
The Sugar (Distribution Payments) (No. 23) Order 19721972 No. 1497UK Statutory Instruments
The Import Duties (Temporary Exemptions) (No. 14) Order 19721972 No. 1496UK Statutory Instruments
The Supplementary Benefit (General) Amendment (No. 2) Regulations 19721972 No. 1493UK Statutory Instruments
The Bread and Flour (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 19721972 No. 1489 (S. 115)UK Statutory Instruments
The Composite Sugar Products (Distribution Payments— Average Rates) (No. 22) Order 19721972 No. 1488UK Statutory Instruments
The Sugar (Distribution Repayments) (Amendment) (No. 21) Order 19721972 No. 1487UK Statutory Instruments
The Sugar (Distribution Payments) (No. 22) Order 19721972 No. 1486UK Statutory Instruments
The Wages Regulation (Licensed Non-residential Establishment) (Managers and Club Stewards) (Amendment) Order 19721972 No. 1485UK Statutory Instruments
The Wages Regulation (Licensed Non-residential Establishment) (Amendment) Order 19721972 No. 1484UK Statutory Instruments
The Petty Sessional Divisions (South-West London) Order 19721972 No. 1481UK Statutory Instruments
The Sea Fishing (Specified Northern Waters) Licensing Order 19721972 No. 1477UK Statutory Instruments
The Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) (Amendment) (No. 4) Regulations 19721972 No. 1473UK Statutory Instruments
The Import Duties (Temporary Exemptions) (No. 13) Order 19721972 No. 1471UK Statutory Instruments
The Pensions Appeal Tribunals (England and Wales) (Amendment) Rules 19721972 No. 1466 (L. 22)UK Statutory Instruments

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