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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1991 numbered between 900 and 999 has returned 58 results.

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    Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
    The Housing (Prescribed Forms) (No. 2) (Welsh Forms) Regulations 19911991 No. 974UK Statutory Instruments
    The Fertilisers (Sampling and Analysis) Regulations 19911991 No. 973UK Statutory Instruments
    The Revenue Support Grant (Scotland) (No.2) Order 19911991 No. 971 (S. 104)UK Statutory Instruments
    The City of Bradford Metropolitan Council (Salts Mill to Otley Road Link Road, Canal Bridge) Scheme 1990 Confirmation Instrument 19911991 No. 970UK Statutory Instruments
    The International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 19911991 No. 969UK Statutory Instruments
    The Employment Protection Code of Practice (Time Off) Order 19911991 No. 968UK Statutory Instruments
    The Immigration (Registration with Police) (Amendment) Regulations 19911991 No. 965UK Statutory Instruments
    The Education (London Residuary Body) (Property Transfer) (No. 2) Order 19911991 No. 964UK Statutory Instruments
    The Medicines (Products Other Than Veterinary Drugs) (Prescription Only) Amendment Order 19911991 No. 962UK Statutory Instruments
    The Litter (Animal Droppings) Order 19911991 No. 961UK Statutory Instruments
    The New Street Byelaws (Extension of Operation) (Amendment) Order 19911991 No. 960UK Statutory Instruments
    The Electricity Industry (Rateable Values) (Amendment) Order 19911991 No. 959UK Statutory Instruments
    The Public Telecommunication System Designation (Britannia Cablesystems Surrey Limited) Order 19911991 No. 955UK Statutory Instruments
    The Housing Act 1988 (Commencement No. 5 and Transitional Provisions) Order 19911991 No. 954 (C. 23)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Local Government and Housing Act 1989 (Commencement No. 12) Order 19911991 No. 953 (C. 22)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Adopted Persons (Contact Register) (Fees) Rules 19911991 No. 952UK Statutory Instruments
    The Representation of the People (Variation of Limits of Candidates' Election Expenses) Order 19911991 No. 951UK Statutory Instruments
    The Scottish Hydro-Electric plc (Rateable Values) (Scotland) (No. 2) Order 19911991 No. 950 (S. 103)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Lochaber Power Company (Rateable Values) (Scotland) Order 19911991 No. 949 (S. 102)UK Statutory Instruments
    The British Railways Board (Rateable Values) (Scotland) Order 19911991 No. 948 (S. 101)UK Statutory Instruments

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