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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1992 numbered between 2300 and 2399 has returned 41 results.

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.


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    Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
    The Charities (Receiver and Manager) Regulations 19921992 No. 2355UK Statutory Instruments
    The A50 Trunk Road (Blythe Bridge to Queensway and Connecting Roads) Supplementary Order 19921992 No. 2354UK Statutory Instruments
    The Fresh Meat and Poultry Meat (Hygiene, Inspection and Examinations for Residues) (Charges) (Amendment) Regulations 19921992 No. 2353UK Statutory Instruments
    The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (Variation of Schedules 5 and 8) Order 19921992 No. 2350UK Statutory Instruments
    The Police (Pensions and Injury Benefit) (Amendment) Regulations 19921992 No. 2349UK Statutory Instruments
    The Environmentally Sensitive Areas (Cambrian Mountains) Designation (Amendment No. 2) Order 19921992 No. 2342UK Statutory Instruments
    The Seed Potatoes (Fees) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 19921992 No. 2340 (S. 227)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Aberdeen Royal Hospitals National Health Service Trust (Appointment of Trustees) Order 19921992 No. 2339 (S. 226)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Royal Scottish National Hospital and Community National Health Service Trust (Establishment) Order 19921992 No. 2338 (S. 225)UK Statutory Instruments
    The South Ayrshire Hospitals National Health Service Trust (Appointment of Trustees) Order 19921992 No. 2337 (S. 224)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Insurance Companies (Pensions Business) (Transitional Provisions) Regulations 19921992 No. 2326UK Statutory Instruments
    The British Railways (Penalty Fares) Act 1989 (Activating No. 5) Order 19921992 No. 2324UK Statutory Instruments
    The British Railways (Penalty Fares) Act 1989 (Activating No.4) Order 19921992 No. 2323UK Statutory Instruments
    The Social Fund Cold Weather Payments (General) Amendment Regulations 19921992 No. 2322UK Statutory Instruments
    The Goods Vehicles (Operators' Licences, Qualifications and Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 19921992 No. 2319UK Statutory Instruments
    The Mortgage Indemnities (Recognised Bodies) Order 19921992 No. 2318UK Statutory Instruments
    The Housing (Right to Buy) (Priority of Charges) Order 19921992 No. 2317UK Statutory Instruments
    The Loch Morar and River Morar Protection Order 19921992 No. 2316 (S. 223)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Education (Further Education Corporations) (No. 2) Order 19921992 No. 2315UK Statutory Instruments
    The Offshore Installations (Safety Zones) (No.3) Order 19921992 No. 2314UK Statutory Instruments

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