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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 2003 numbered between 1300 and 1399 has returned 42 results.

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    Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
    Fines (Deductions from Income Support) (Amendment) Regulations 20032003 No. 1360UK Statutory Instruments
    The Adoption Support Services (Local Authorities) (England) Regulations 20032003 No. 1348UK Statutory Instruments
    The Iraq (United Nations Sanctions) (Amendment) Order 20032003 No. 1347UK Statutory Instruments
    The General Medical Council (Constitution of Fitness to Practise Committees) (Transitional Arrangements) Rules Order of Council 20032003 No. 1344UK Statutory Instruments
    The General Medical Council Fitness to Practise Committees and Review Board for Overseas Qualified Practitioners (Amendment) Rules Order of Council 20032003 No. 1343UK Statutory Instruments
    The General Medical Council (Restoration and Registration Fees Amendment) Regulations Order of Council 20032003 No. 1342UK Statutory Instruments
    The General Medical Council (Voluntary Erasure and Restoration following Voluntary Erasure) Regulations Order of Council 20032003 No. 1341UK Statutory Instruments
    The Medical Act 1983 (Amendment) Order 2002 (Transitory Provisions) Order of Council 20032003 No. 1340UK Statutory Instruments
    The Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 (Commencement No. 4) (Amendment) (No. 2) Order 20032003 No. 1339 (C. 67) (C. 28)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit (State Pension Credit) (Abolition of Benefit Periods) Amendment Regulations 20032003 No. 1338UK Statutory Instruments
    The Social Security (Contributions) (Amendment No. 4) Regulations 20032003 No. 1337UK Statutory Instruments
    The Transport of Animals (Cleansing and Disinfection) (England) (No. 2) Order 2003 (revoked)2003 No. 1336UK Statutory Instruments
    The Civil Procedure (Amendment No. 3) Rules 20032003 No. 1329 (L. 27)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Protection of Animals (Anaesthetics) (Amendment) (No. 2) (England) Order 20032003 No. 1328UK Statutory Instruments
    The Education (National Curriculum) (Foundation Stage Profile Assessment Arrangements) (England) Order 20032003 No. 1327UK Statutory Instruments
    The Government Resources and Accounts Act 2000 (Audit of Public Bodies) Order 20032003 No. 1326UK Statutory Instruments
    The Government Resources and Accounts Act 2000 (Rights of Access of Comptroller and Auditor General) Order 20032003 No. 1325UK Statutory Instruments
    The Government Resources and Accounts Act 2000(Audit of Health Service Bodies) Order 20032003 No. 1324UK Statutory Instruments
    The Motor Vehicle Tyres (Safety) (Amendment) Regulations 20032003 No. 1316UK Statutory Instruments
    The A1237 Trunk Road (Rawcliffe Roundabout to Hopgrove Roundabout) (Detrunking) Order 20032003 No. 1313UK Statutory Instruments

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