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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 2012 numbered between 800 and 899 has returned 100 results.

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.


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    Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
    The A1 Trunk Road (Elkesley Junctions Improvement) Order 20122012 No. 839UK Statutory Instruments
    The Education (National Curriculum) (Key Stage 2 Assessment Arrangements) (England) (Amendment) Order 20122012 No. 838UK Statutory Instruments
    The Policing of Aerodromes (Belfast International Airport) Order 20122012 No. 837UK Statutory Instruments
    The Education (Student Loans) (Repayment) (Amendment) Regulations 20122012 No. 836UK Statutory Instruments
    The Guardian’s Allowance Up-rating (Northern Ireland) Order 20122012 No. 835UK Statutory Instruments
    The Guardian’s Allowance Up-rating Order 20122012 No. 834UK Statutory Instruments
    The Workmen’s Compensation (Supplementation) (Amendment) Scheme 20122012 No. 833UK Statutory Instruments
    The A30 Trunk Road (Launceston to Okehampton) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 20122012 No. 832UK Statutory Instruments
    The A1 Trunk Road (Astwick and Sandy, Central Bedfordshire) Northbound (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 20122012 No. 831UK Statutory Instruments
    The A30 Trunk Road (M25 Junction 13, Link Road) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 20122012 No. 830UK Statutory Instruments
    The Gambling (Operating Licence and Single-Machine Permit Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 20122012 No. 829UK Statutory Instruments
    The Licensing Act 2003 (Diamond Jubilee Licensing Hours) Order 20122012 No. 828UK Statutory Instruments
    The Sea Fishing (Licences and Notices) (England) Regulations 20122012 No. 827UK Statutory Instruments
    The Authorised Officers (Meat Inspection) (Revocation) (Wales) Regulations 20122012 No. 826 (W. 114)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Swyddogion Awdurdodedig (Archwilio Cig) (Dirymu) (Cymru) 2012
    The Criminal Justice Act 2003 (Commencement No. 27) Order 20122012 No. 825 (C. 22)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Social Security (Suspension of Payment of Benefits and Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 20122012 No. 824UK Statutory Instruments
    The Social Security (Industrial Injuries) (Dependency) (Permitted Earnings Limits) Order 20122012 No. 823UK Statutory Instruments
    The Income Tax (Pay As You Earn) (Amendment) Regulations 20122012 No. 822UK Statutory Instruments
    The Social Security (Contributions) (Amendment No. 3) Regulations 20122012 No. 821UK Statutory Instruments
    The Income Tax (Construction Industry Scheme) (Amendment) Regulations 20122012 No. 820UK Statutory Instruments

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