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Your search for English language Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament has returned more than 200 results.

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Leasehold (Enlargement and Extension) Act (Northern Ireland) 19711971 Chapter 7Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Financial Provisions Act (Northern Ireland) 19711971 Chapter 6Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Electoral Law Act (Northern Ireland) 19711971 Chapter 4Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Welfare Services Act (Northern Ireland) 19711971 Chapter 2Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Equal Pay Act (Northern Ireland) 19701970 Chapter 32Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Printed Documents Act (Northern Ireland) 19701970 Chapter 30Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Registration of Deeds Act (Northern Ireland) 19701970 Chapter 25Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 19701970 Chapter 21Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Agriculture (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 19701970 Chapter 20Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Land Registration Act (Northern Ireland) 19701970 Chapter 18Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Maintenance and Affiliation Orders Act (Northern Ireland) 19701970 Chapter 16Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Magee University College Londonderry Act (Northern Ireland) 19701970 Chapter 15Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Explosives Act (Northern Ireland) 19701970 Chapter 10Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Lough Neagh Drainage (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 19701970 Chapter 7Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Public Order (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 19701970 Chapter 4Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Harbours Act (Northern Ireland) 19701970 Chapter 1Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Family Provision Act (Northern Ireland) 19691969 Chapter 38Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Mineral Development Act (Northern Ireland) 19691969 Chapter 35Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Marketing of Eggs (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 19691969 Chapter 33Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Protection of the Person and Property Act (Northern Ireland) 19691969 Chapter 29Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament

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