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Your search for English language Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament has returned more than 200 results.

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Poultry Improvement Act (Northern Ireland) 19681968 Chapter 12Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Costs in Criminal Cases Act (Northern Ireland) 19681968 Chapter 10Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Public Expenditure and Receipts Act (Northern Ireland) 19681968 Chapter 8Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Malone and Whiteabbey Training Schools Act (Northern Ireland) 19681968 Chapter 7Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Insurance Companies Act (Northern Ireland) 19681968 Chapter 6Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Family Allowances and National Insurance Act (Northern Ireland) 19681968 Chapter 1Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Transport Act (Northern Ireland) 19671967 Chapter 37Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Public Health Act (Northern Ireland) 19671967 Chapter 36Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Adoption Act (Northern Ireland) 19671967 Chapter 35Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Increase of Fines Act (Northern Ireland) 19671967 Chapter 29Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Plant Health Act (Northern Ireland) 19671967 Chapter 28Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Superannuation Act (Northern Ireland) 19671967 Chapter 24Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Livestock Marketing Commission Act (Northern Ireland) 19671967 Chapter 21Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 19671967 Chapter 20Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Criminal Law Act (Northern Ireland) 19671967 Chapter 18Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Agriculture (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 19671967 Chapter 15Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Misrepresentation Act (Northern Ireland) 19671967 Chapter 14Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Fishing Vessels (Grants) Act (Northern Ireland) 19671967 Chapter 8Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Diseases of Fish Act (Northern Ireland) 1967 (repealed)1967 Chapter 7Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Weights and Measures Act (Northern Ireland) 19671967 Chapter 6Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament

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