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Your search for English language Local Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain has returned more than 200 results.

Results by year


Partial dataset 1797 - 1800
Complete dataset 1801 - Present

Results grouped by 10 year periods

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.


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Legislation by Type

  • Local Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain (273)
Sort ascending by TitleSort descending by Years and NumbersLegislation type
Hotham's Estate Act 18001800 c. xcixLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Blake's Estate Act 18001800 c. xcviiiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Gloucester and Stroud Road Act 18001800 c. xcviiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Road from Gloucester to the Bristol Road Act 18001800 c. xcviLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Hundred House (Worcestershire) Roads Act 18001800 c. xcvLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Parkhouse (Lanarkshire) Roads Act 18001800 c. xcivLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Kidderminster Roads Act 18001800 c. xciiiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Rea Drainage and Worthen Inclosure Act 18001800 c. xciiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Bedford Level (North Level, Fourth District) Drainage Act 18001800 c. xciLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Bedford Level (Cam, Ouse and Mildenhall Rivers) Drainage Act 18001800 c. xcLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Bank of England Act 18001800 c. lxxxixLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Glasgow City Extension and Improvement Act 18001800 c. lxxxviiiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Byfleet and Weybridge Inclosures Act 18001800 c. lxxxviiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Walton-upon-Thames and Walton Leigh Inclosure Act 18001800 c. lxxxviLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Llanfwrog Inclosure Act 18001800 c. lxxxvLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Dormer's Estate Act 18001800 c. lxxxivLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Child's Estate Act 18001800 c. lxxxiiiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Jervoise's Estate Act 18001800 c. lxxxiiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Earl of Guilford's Estate Act 18001800 c. lxxxiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Chichester Cathedral and Selsey and Peachey Estates Act 18001800 c. lxxxLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain

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