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Your search for English language Local Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain has returned more than 200 results.

Results by year


Partial dataset 1797 - 1800
Complete dataset 1801 - Present

Results grouped by 10 year periods

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.


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Legislation by Type

  • Local Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain (273)
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Powney's Estate Act 18001800 c. lxxixLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Hicks' Estate Act 18001800 c. lxxviiiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Duke of Newcastle's Estate Act 18001800 c. lxxviiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Gloucestershire and Wiltshire Roads Act 18001800 c. lxxviLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Tetbury and Horsley Roads Act 18001800 c. lxxvLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Great Bolton and Westhoughton Chapel Road Act 18001800 c. lxxivLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Ince and Ashton in Mackerfield Road Act 18001800 c. lxxiiiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Spalding High Bridge and Maxey Outgang Roads Act 18001800 c. lxxiiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Bewdley Roads Act 18001800 c. lxxiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Lincoln Heath and Peterborough Road Act 18001800 c. lxxLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Roads from Warminster and from Frome Act 18001800 c. lxixLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Radnor, Hereford and Salop. Roads Act 18001800 c. lxviiiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Hockliffe, Woburn and Newport Pagnell Roads Act 18001800 c. lxviiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Ruthin and Mold Roads Act 18001800 c. lxviLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Leominster Roads Act 18001800 c. lxvLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Newport (Salop.) and Stonnall Road Act 18001800 c. lxivLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Borrowstouness and Hollhouseburn Road (Linlithgow) Act 18001800 c. lxiiiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Elsdon and Red Swyre Road Act 18001800 c. lxiiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Dorset, Devon and Somerset Roads Act 18001800 c. lxiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Female Orphan Asylum Act 18001800 c. lxLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain

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