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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1950-1959 numbered between 0 and 99 has returned 16 results.

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    Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
    The Reserve and Auxiliary Forces (Agricultural Tenants) Regulations 19591959 No. 84UK Statutory Instruments
    The Agriculture Act, 1958 (Appointed Day) (England and Wales) Order, 19591959 No. 80UK Statutory Instruments
    The Airways Corporations (General Staff, Pilots and Officers Pensions) (Amendment) Regulations,19591959 No. 42UK Statutory Instruments
    The Magistrates' Courts (Maintenance Orders Act, 1958) Rules 19591959 No. 3 (L. 1)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Work in Compressed Air Special Regulations, 19581958 No. 61UK Statutory Instruments
    The Small Ground Vermin Traps Order 19581958 No. 24UK Statutory Instruments
    The Airways Corporations (General Stall, Pilots and Officers Pensions) (Amendment) Regulations,19571957 No. 87UK Statutory Instruments
    The Import of Goods (Control) Order 19541954 No. 23UK Statutory Instruments
    The Psittacosis or Ornithosis Order 19531953 No. 38UK Statutory Instruments
    The Diseases of Animals (Extension of Definition of Poultry) Order 19531953 No. 37UK Statutory Instruments
    The Trading with the Enemy (Transfer of Negotiable Instruments, etc.) (Germany) Order 19521952 No. 5UK Statutory Instruments
    The Trading with the Enemy (Authorisation) (Germany) Order 19521952 No. 4UK Statutory Instruments
    The Pottery (Health and Welfare) Special Regulations 19501950 No. 65UK Statutory Instruments
    The Elementary School Teachers Superannuation (Amending) Rules 19501950 No. 60UK Statutory Instruments
    The Trading with the Enemy (Transfer of Negotiable Instruments, etc.) (Japan) Order 19501950 No. 29UK Statutory Instruments
    The Trading with the Enemy (Authorisation) (Japan) Order 19501950 No. 28UK Statutory Instruments

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