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Your search for English language Wales Statutory Instruments from 2003 numbered between 1800 and 1899 has returned 11 results.

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    Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
    The Home Loss Payments (Prescribed Amounts) (Wales) Regulations 20032003 No. 1856 (W. 206)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Taliadau Colli Cartref (Symiau Rhagnodedig) (Cymru) 2003
    The Prohibition of Fishing with Multiple Trawls (Wales) Order 20032003 No. 1855 (W. 205)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Gorchymyn Gwahardd Pysgota â Threillrwydi Lluosog (Cymru) 2003
    The Education (Assisted Places) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 20032003 No. 1854 (W. 204)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Addysg (Lleoedd a Gynorthwyir) (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2003
    The Housing (Right to Buy) (Priority of Charges) (Wales) Order 20032003 No. 1853 (W. 203)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Gorchymyn Tai (Hawl i Brynu) (Blaenoriaeth Arwystlon) (Cymru) 2003
    The Action Programme for Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 20032003 No. 1852 (W. 202)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau'r Rhaglen Weithredu ar gyfer Parthau Perygl Nitradau (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2003
    The Plant Health (Amendment) (Wales) Order 20032003 No. 1851 (W. 201)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Gorchymyn Iechyd Planhigion (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2003
    The Feeding Stuffs, the Feeding Stuffs (Sampling and Analysis) and the Feeding Stuffs (Enforcement) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 20032003 No. 1850 (W. 200)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Porthiant, Porthiant (Samplu a Dadansoddi) a Phorthiant (Gorfodi) (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2003
    The Animal By-Products (Identification) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 20032003 No. 1849 (W. 199)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Sgil-gynhyrchion Anifeiliaid (Adnabod) (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2003
    The Air Quality (Ozone) (Wales) Regulations 20032003 No. 1848 (W. 198)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Ansawdd Aer (Osôn) (Cymru) 2003
    The Coast Protection (Notices) (Wales) Regulations 20032003 No. 1847 (W. 197)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Rheoliadau Diogelu'r Arfordir (Hysbysiadau) (Cymru) 2003
    The Protection of Animals (Anaesthetics) Amendment (Wales) Order 20032003 No. 1844 (W. 196)Wales Statutory Instruments
    Gorchymyn Diogelu Anifeiliaid (Anesthetyddion) Diwygio (Cymru) 2003

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