Chwilio Deddfwriaeth

Canlyniadau Chwilio

Mae eich chwiliad am English language Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU o 1830-1839 wedi dod o hyd i fwy na 200 o ganlyniadau.

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Mae’r cyfrifon isod yn adlewyrchu’r nifer o ddogfennau ar sy’n cyfateb i’r chwiliad am eitemau o’r math hwn o ddeddfwriaeth ac nid yw’n fwriad iddynt ddynodi cyfanswm y ddeddfwriaeth a wnaed, a weithredwyd nac a fabwysiadwyd mewn blwyddyn benodol.


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Rathkeale and Croagh (Limerick) inclosure Act 18391839 c. 46Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
William Russell's estate: enabling leasing of coal mines at Brancepeth (Durham) Act 18391839 c. 45Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Reverend John Templar's estate: enabling trustees of his will to exchange estates in Devon Act 18391839 c. 44Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Ann Bligh's (a lunatic) estate: vesting a share of property in New South Wales in trustees upon trust for sale Act 18391839 c. 43Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Henry Boulton's estate: sale of estate and application of proceeds Act 18391839 c. 42Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
John Motteux's estate: exchange of estates in West and East Rudham (Norfolk) for others in Darsington, settled under the will of Horatio Earl of Orford Act 18391839 c. 41Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Borough of Reading: sale of estates Act 18391839 c. 40Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Earl of Stamford and Warrington's estate: enabling conveyances in fee farm or demises under reserved rents Act 18391839 c. 39Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Sir Benjamin Hall's, Capel Leigh's and others' estates: exchange of mines and lands Act 18391839 c. 38Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Sir John Davie's estate: vesting in trustees to be sold, other estates to be purchased and settled in lieu, under the direction of the Court of Chancery Act 18391839 c. 37Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Earl of Galloway's estate: enabling him, or the heir in possession, to reclaim sleechy ground off the coast of Garlies, Baldoon, Newton Stewart and other estates (Wigtown and Kirkcudbright), drain Cree moss and burden the estates with the expense of this and other improvements Act 18391839 c. 36Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
William Marshall's estate: authorizing the sale of property in Kent and Northamptonshire Act 18391839 c. 35Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Arthur Lord Templemore's estate: vesting the Combe Bank estate [Kent] in trustees, to be sold for the benefit of his sons Act 18391839 c. 34Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Churches of St. Mark, St. Luke and St. Michael, Liverpool Act 18391839 c. 33Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
St. Mary's Parish (Nottinghamshire) inclosure Act 18391839 c. 32Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Hartishead or Hartshead (Yorkshire, West Riding) inclosure Act 18391839 c. 31Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Almsworthy (Somerset) inclosure Act 18391839 c. 30Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
West Beckham and Alby (Norfolk) inclosure Act 18391839 c. 29Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Westcroft and Burton Leys (Nottinghamshire) inclosure Act 18391839 c. 28Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Enabling the City of London to sell building ground in St. George's Fields Act 18391839 c. 27Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU

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