Chwilio Deddfwriaeth

Canlyniadau Chwilio

Mae eich chwiliad am English language Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU o 1835 wedi dod o hyd i 27 o ganlyniadau.

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Earl Nelson's estate: raising money against estates in Wiltshire for the discharge of an equitable charge, and other provisions Act 18351835 c. 27Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Richard Sparrow's estate: vesting estates in Tipperary in trustees to be sold for payment of debts, the residue to be conveyed to the devisees under his will Act 18351835 c. 26Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Wolverhampton (Staffordshire) curacy's estate: authorizing grants or leases of mines Act 18351835 c. 25Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Horatio, Earl of Orford's settlement: empowering trustees to sell estates in Norfolk, and purchase and settle other lands in lieu, and other provisions Act 18351835 c. 24Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Charles Vere Spencer's (an infant) estate: vesting manors and estates in Oxfordshire and Denbighshire in trustees for sale, for payment of incumbrances, and other provisions Act 18351835 c. 23Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Enabling the City of Worcester to grant leases of the Worcester County Infirmary, and land held therewith, to the governors or trustees Act 18351835 c. 22Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Unification of Stanmer rectory and Falmer vicarage and, exchange of the parsonage house, vicarage house and Stanmer glebe for land belonging to the Earl of Chichester, on which a new parsonage house has been built Act 18351835 c. 21Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Lord Douglas's estate: vesting in him, or the heir of entail for the time being, parts of the entailed estate of Douglas, upon other lands being entailed Act 18351835 c. 20Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Vesting part of the estate of Cromarty (Ross and Cromarty) in trustees, to be sold for payment of debts, and other provisions Act 18351835 c. 19Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Le Gendre Pierce Starkie's (a lunatic) estate: enabling the committee to grant leases Act 18351835 c. 18Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Sir Sandford Graham's estate: confirming leases of land at Kirkstall, Leeds (Yorkshire, West Riding) Act 18351835 c. 17Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Highleigh prebend estate (Chichester Cathedral) (Sussex) : enabling the prebendary to accept surrenders of leases and grant new ones Act 18351835 c. 16Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Empowering the Court of Session to sell the lands of Bravelleichs (Argyll) for the discharge of debts and purchase, and settlement, of other lands Act 18351835 c. 15Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Matthew Wise's estate: authorizing sales, leases, grants and improvements of the estate at Lillington (Warwickshire), and other provisions Act 18351835 c. 14Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Stretham (Cambridgeshire) inclosure Act 18351835 c. 13Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Acton and Baddiley (Cheshire) inclosure Act 18351835 c. 12Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Ulleskelf (Yorkshire, West Riding) inclosure Act 18351835 c. 11Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Tavistock, Milton-Abbot, Brentnor and Lamerton (Devon) inclosure Act 18351835 c. 10Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Lord William Cholmondeley's estate: exchanging the Broomsthorpe and Castle Rising entailed estates (Norfolk) for lands in Netherton and Huxley (Cheshire) held in fee simple Act 18351835 c. 9Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
William Scott Moncrieff 's estate: authorizing sale of the lands of North Ferry Hill or Carlin Nose (Fife), Kirkton and Whitelaw (Linlithgow), and purchase and settlement of other lands Act 18351835 c. 8Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU

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