Chwilio Deddfwriaeth

Canlyniadau Chwilio

Mae eich chwiliad am English language Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU o 1850 wedi dod o hyd i 18 o ganlyniadau.

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Mae’r cyfrifon isod yn adlewyrchu’r nifer o ddogfennau ar sy’n cyfateb i’r chwiliad am eitemau o’r math hwn o ddeddfwriaeth ac nid yw’n fwriad iddynt ddynodi cyfanswm y ddeddfwriaeth a wnaed, a weithredwyd nac a fabwysiadwyd mewn blwyddyn benodol.


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John, Earl of Strathmore's estate: enlarging and consolidating the provisions of two Acts of Parliament [1845 (c. 26) and 1847 (c. 14) ] Act 18501850 c. 18Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Earl of Glengall's estate: authorizing the trusteees of William Mellish's will to invest part of the trust fund in the purchase of the Earl of Glengall's estates in Ireland Act 18501850 c. 17Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Sir Henry Vavasour's estate: authorizing the sale of property in Yorkshire devised by his will, and other provisions Act 18501850 c. 16Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Earl of Effingham's and others' estates: power to grant building, mining and other leases of estates in Rotherham and Kimberworth (Yorkshire) Act 18501850 c. 15Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Henry Earl of Thanet's estate: enabling the trustees of his will to raise money against the estates for the repair and improvement of the buildings Act 18501850 c. 14Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
George Viscount Midleton's estate: giving effect to a compromise and vesting estates in England and Ireland in trustees, and other provisions Act 18501850 c. 13Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Sir John Johnstone's estate: authorizing the trustees of his will to grant building and repairing leases, for 99 years, of an estate in Weymouth, Melcombe Regis and Radipole (Dorset) and other provisions Act 18501850 c. 12Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Duke of Buckingham's estate: authorizing the trustees of the Chandos Estates to lay out money arising from sales in the purchase of the Buckingham Estates, extending the power of investment of those monies, authorizing the grant of building leases over parts of the Chandos Estates and other provisions Act 18501850 c. 11Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Foundation of a School for Orphans of Freemen of the City of London Act 18501850 c. 10Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
William and Elizabeth Harcourt's marriage settlement: power to sell freehold and copyhold estates Act 18501850 c. 9Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Executing a contract for the sale of property in Barford (Warwickshire) belonging to the rectory and vesting in trustees for sale, property in Barford devised by the will of Jane Mills Act 18501850 c. 8Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
St. Thomas's Hospital estate: confirming leases and enabling the grant of further building and other leases Act 18501850 c. 7Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
The Earl of Shrewsbury's and John Grace's trustees' estates: confirming and executing an exchange of property Act 18501850 c. 6Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Sir Hesketh Fleetwood's Lancashire Estate Act 18501850 c. 5Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Authorizing the sale of estates in Hoddesdon (Hertfordshire), St. James Westminster and Tottenham Court Road (Middlesex) formerly belonging to Ren' Briand, deceased Act 18501850 c. 4Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Authorizing the purchase of a residence in England for the Prussian Legation and regulating the future holding of the same Act 18501850 c. 3Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
Elizabeth Brigstocke's estate: power to grant building or improvement leases of settled estates in Ryde (Isle of Wight) Act 18501850 c. 2Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU
The Nottingham Freemen's Allotments Act 18501850 c. 1Deddfau Preifat a Phersonol y DU

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